Kanika kapoor is the first indian celebrity tested positive for Covid 19 and also she has a travel history which she was hiding from the Government officials. Her father "Rajiv Kapoor" confirms her travel history and and after she landed in India on 15th march, she also attended 3 parties in which she met almost 350 - 400 people but according to her she attended a family get together of 30 people only.
Lot of people are now criticizing her for her move on Covid-19 including some famous personalities of India.
Yesterday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed that nation stating that people should observe a Janta Curfew on 22nd March from 7 AM to 9 PM in wake of the Coronavirus outbreak. From Shah Rukh Khan to Ajay Devgn and Shabna Azmi, several Bollywood celebrities lauded the move and extended support to the same.