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RE: Yellow Shrimp Plant lights up the Backyard.

in #justicia7 years ago (edited)

Shrimp plants

(Justicia brandegeeana)
are a delightful landscape addition for the warmest climates, yet they can be grown as indoor or greenhouse plants elsewhere. The flowers are as long-lasting as they are remarkable. It has oval, pointed, soft green leaves.

There are different varieties and colors of shrimp plants such as golden, yellow, red, blue or white. Shrimp Plant, like any fast growing perennial which flowers a lot, needs a good pruning at the end of the season so the plant can rest. Pruning brings on abundant flowering.

Yellow shrimp plant
The flowers are hidden amongst distinctive clusters of drooping shrimp pink bracts which overlap closely and appear at the ends of the shoots. The plant may not flower for two or three years, until it is mature, but when it does, the bracts will persist for most of the summer.

Yellow shrimp plant
The striking shrimp-like bracts last most of the summer; good light improves the colour. Some leaves may drop in winter. Cut back affected stems in early spring when the plant is repotted and started in growth. Hummingbirds and butterflies love this plant and visit it often, especially in twilight.

Yellow shrimp plant
Red shrimp plant
Mexican shrimp plant
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