Justice For Zainab : Seven Years Old Girl Is Brutally Raped & Killed


The whole Pakistan is in shock hearing about this brutality of the raping and killing an seven years old girl.

It is indeed failure of whole system and it indicates that our society is morally collapsed where an seven years old angel is not safe. It is because teacher is not playing his/her role, parents are not playing their role, law enforcement agencies are not playing their role, courts are not playing their role, rulers are not playing their role and we the masses are not playing our role.

We need to rebuild our society on new lines where every one should be educated in how to play their roles in the betterment of society. It is high time for us to identify that what are the main causes for such brutal incidents and what will be their possible solutions.

CCTV footage picture of Zainab with her possible murderer, shared in a Tweet by #Ihteshamulhaq.


Tweets from some renowned personalities about this tragedy





This is enough, this has to stop now. No matter where ever this brutality is happening bring those culprits to justice. No body will feel safe if justice is not being done.Whole Pakistan is raising one voice together and that is #JusticeForZainab.

I hope murder of Zainab will at least let us think on this pathetic mindset present in our society.




can't imagine her pain we are living in hell

nice done
go ahed
thanks to share friend

we can not bear this any play with our kids. we need Justices for Zanib@aftabkhan10 Zanib was not the daughter of kasoor she was daughter of Pakistan she was the daughter of all peoples live in Pakistan she was a daughter of mine.

The rapist should be hanged.

No rapist shouldn't be hanged but given that punishment which make him realise what the pain is and what that small girl has gone through ..and pray God gave him pain until his death

The rapist should be hanged.