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RE: Justice and revenge are two different things

in #justice7 years ago

Now the above is funny! You still haven't communicated your point clearly. From what you wrote, there is 'fairness' , 'fighting' and 'justice'! Any reader will agree that you think it is fallacious to assume justice can be gotten by 'fighting' to get it which you term 'fallacy'!

In an academic settings, 'implication' is allowed. Your sentence still implies what i wrote above. If you think it is a misunderstanding, then it becomes your task to set the record straight and clearly explain your point. You will do this via a 'rejoinder' or writing a 'review' of my review.

So your task is to explain your point which you think 'i got wrong'. If you do that, then i will decide to attempt a critique of it or just let it go. But for now, i still don't get what i got wrong.

So there is no need for being harsh with words. Make your point. That is what matters.



if you choose to be this , hwo to put it, closed of to understanding... Then philosophy clearly isnt your thing. I now see. you are wrong in your asumtion of what my intention was of what I wronte, AND, you re wrong in asuming any reader whould agree with you. Because I DONT, for one.

I did CLEARLY communicate what i want from my perspective and understanding of the words used, with the words contained in the language used. you still CHOOSE to not understand. So i can only asume you do not understand the words used. As in not actually understanding the language used.

But ok, if you like missunderstanding and lying to your readers then thats ur choise.
The article here is REGARDLESS communicating a lie, being a false clame of what I intended in the comment. As your words in this article is not even close to what i wrote.

The only way, if you actually intend to understand, to resolve this, is to do so via a chat or something where you can spesifically ask what your confusion is.

It is funny! So you went ahead to flag my post with your 16 steem? You clearly abuse flag. You can't flag people any how.

In case you don't know, your English is VERY BAD. Stop writing in English.

Please stay off my blog. Thanks.

I flagged it beacause you missrepresent my intention, and fail to admit it.