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RE: Responsibility to End Evil

in #justice7 years ago

It is pretty interesting that you used Rorschach from Watchmen as the image of your posts in the quotes utilized.

He believed in absolute good and evil with no middle ground and if he saw evil he would go after it and punish it without and question or hesitation on whoever it is. This one track mind led him to conflict with the others at all times but he remained strong on his moral code.

We know that people have a universal understanding of what is right right or wrong in the likes that to take a life is bad, stealing is bad and to help your fellow man is good yet we have caged ourselves to the rules imposed by governments which often times they are the first ones to disregard as they place their own selfish desires first before the people.
When they outlawed the possession of gold from people they confiscated it and yet it was stealing hidden behind a law.
in the same way when we see someone doing evil and we try to stop them and end up in trouble either because of strong backers or because of a loophole in the law then you know there is something wrong.

We are indoctrinated that vigilantism is bad even if we are stopping evil. We are taught not to place the law in our own hands even if might mean a life lost or even our own.


Stealing life, stealing bodily integrity, stealing property, all done by the cover and veil of "legality" and false law indeed. Conditioned and coerced into being cowards is the "progressive" "civilized" way a of modernity apparently :/

don't forget that Rorschach from Watchmen was based on Mr A character created by the genius Steve Ditko. His graphic manifesto "Avenging World" is a masterpiece.