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RE: Responsibility to End Evil

in #justice7 years ago

We have to find the positive deviation, that is, those places in the system where the change is already taking place, or experiment with alternatives and evaluate the result as soon as possible, to clone the success model wherever we can. Without downplaying what has been done so far, which is above all to make many people aware of the problems, we also have to try solutions. For this, first it will be necessary to identify which can be the best bets, to concentrate the efforts there. During the next year or the next years I think that it is there where all the effort should be devoted, and present some concrete proposal, because it will always be better to act than not to do anything.


Yes, we can try things and make mistakes, but as soon as negative consequences of harm to other are resulted from actions, then we must recognize not to do that again, and not everyone needs to make the mistake. We can learn from each other better than having to make all mistakes ourselves ;)