Windows 11, let them tell you what you need, why not???

in #justbecause3 years ago
September 20th, 2022
Temperature 48F/9C

One Big Issue I have with Windows 11

I do not like people telling me what I need. I do not need commercials telling me what I need. I quit TV and Cable TV and satellite TV, because I do not like commercials. I do not Youtube because I do not like commercials. I am on the do not call and bother me list for people trying to sell me things at dinner time over the phone. I am very very RUDE to the political callers also even though they are allowed to use the do not call list.

Yesterday Windows 11 for some unknown reason to me decided I needed to have Spotify on my computer. I did not ask for it, I did not down load it, I did not want it. So yesterday I removed it from my computer.

This morning it was back.

spotify icon not wanted.png
Spotify is that last little green Icon on my task bar.
So once again I have uninstalled it:

uninstall pressed.png
Now I have another two unwanted programs that Window 11 has forced over on to MY Computer, Adobe Express and Disney. I want absolutely nothing to do with Disney. I know at one point in the future I may need Adobe express, but I know how to find Adobe Products if I want them.

Adobe express and Disney not wanted.png

Just one more way corporation do not care what you want, they will just tell you what you want and Force it on you.

I do not know a lot about Windows 11, other than it adds stuff with out asking and takes stuff away with out asking. If you are missing something from your desktop, look in the recycle bin, you might find it there, like when my Fallout 4 start ICON disappeared on me and My Sid Meier's Civ V disappeared on me.

Windows rant over if anyone knows how I can stop Windows 11 from adding crap to my computer I would really like to know.

On a short personal note, I am still slowly recovering, the Doctor still does not know what is causing my low blood pressure, I am quite frequently in the 74/56 range and my average blood pressure for the last 6 months is 89/62. Below 90/60 is considered low blood pressure. That is just one of the problems from my surgery, everything is a bit slow on the recovery side, but at least I am breathing easier.

Tiny Picture links back to my blog:


I'm glad you are still breathing ! 😊

I have windows 11 now for just a few months. I don't have any answers.

I was just thinking about that yesterday or earlier today how google and amazon and all those big guys are so aggressive these days. It's like we're a picnic on a hot summer day and they are the flies.....LOL... swat.... swat... SWAT.... swatting them away all the time.

Or the ants and we are trying to burn them with a magnifying glass and we just can not stay focused on one of them. A can of lighter fluid would be nice to have at times.

If you find out how to stop this shit, let me know!

I hope someone has an answer for us.

If you can find the service doing it maybe try adding a firewall rule that blocks it. Just a guess because I am not much of a 'win' user.

Windows is a sneaky little bugger, that's why!

Especially Windows 11, I reversed to 10, but I dunno, maybe you like 10.

I thought you were on Linux?

My laptop is o0n linux, my old desktop died last year and it was windows 7 pro, which I really liked. So the new desktop came with window 11.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 124 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

thank you