solar storm just before dollar vigilantes jubilee

in #jubilee8 years ago

So we are apparently facing solar storms this weekend.

If it's as bad as the carrington event the whole power grid could go down.

This article has an alarming tone

But this one is looking forward to it

Nothing in the u.s press that I saw though.

It's a a little suspicious it's coming right before dollar vigilantes jubilee.

Here's one of his links

Hmm just googled 2017 jubilee and came across this article about a German Nostradamus type rabbi who predicted the end times would start before 2017. (I guess their 2017 0r 5777 starts on Monday the 3rd?)
jewish holidays reference

Looks like we have a lot to look forward to this weekend. I am going to buy some water and beef jerkey just in case.

Hopefully the world doesn't end. I thought this would be a good year for Texas football.


I don't see any valid content in those links. Where's a legit astronomy link, for example? Also, solar flares are not predictable. Imo, your article lacks substantiation.

Yeah I found a few interesting weather links that didn't look that bad.

oh man, I went to the store a few days ago and bought literally nothing except water and beef jerky.. what the crazy coincidence?! haha

We have a lot in common!
I prefer to make my own jerkey but it does make the apartment smell bad ( only to my wife to me it smells great)

If I had a penny for every time someone predicted the end of the world I wouldn't be trying to make money curating on Steemit! :P

Yes this one is a new one though. He did have that one success. I wouldn't have thought about it except I read a few too many dollar vigilante posts.