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RE: On The Path To A Fairer Future!

in #joy8 years ago (edited)

Thank You TeamSTEEM... Another Excellent Post covering so many important aspects of not only Crypto Currencies but the global transformation we are currently observing & witnessing...

AND YES, these changes are for the betterment of humanity because it lessens the almost monopolistic governmental power of all countries of the world.

Would also like to HIGHLY recommend that anyone that has not voted TeamSteem as a Witness... that they review some of his previous posts over the last 15 months and by doing so, will most likely realize that TeamSteem has consistently supported the Steemit Community, many times staying "in the background" in a very humble way...

Simply go to the website below and WRITE in teamsteem in the box located after the #50 Witness...

Thank You TeamSteem for not only this excellent post, but also for all the things You DO "behind the scenes" that many of us, most likely will never know about...

Have a Great Weekend !!

Cheers !!


Thank you for all your support @sacred-agent and all of your witty comments! I really appreciate it!

Thats a really awsome article. its long but not boring.
Imagine this article reaches 16million reader by tomorrow and all of them are new to Bitcoin , and they decided to apply buying Bitcoin part, 1 BTC for each one of them, then they will empty the exchanges because they will save their Bitcoins on electrum wallet as you suggested. All this will lead to $100K per Bitcoin tomorrow
.I think I am chilling..Right,,, But $100K for 1BTC will happen for sure not soo far

I don't know about the exact numbers but it's true that it could still go up substantially quite fast.