Hello and thanks for your noble work! I have noticed some people will quickly reply to a post, and then instantly they will have their reply to the post upvoted by a ton of accounts. It isn't people doing it either. They are using some sort of bot or service. Has this issue been addressed too? It's another problem I see with the platform, and I'm hoping we can resolve it. Again, thanks!
I have delegated 1,000 SP to @spaminator to help the cause too.
Awesome! Thanks @finnian! I'm not sure I understood what you meant. If I understand you correctly what you describe is part of what @spaminator is fighting.
If you think there's another issue just let us know here or in private. @spaminator is always improving.
It may be the same thing. Your posts are a good example. You'll have a trending popular post, and some random person will reply quickly with a short reply. Then as soon as they post that reply, they will get 10-15 upvotes to their reply. It is automated though, not real people upvoting. I've had this happen on my posts before. When I ask the person about the auto upvotes their reply got, they will always feign ignorance too.
I've noticed some short comments getting lots of votes too. I've even had some meaningless comment get upvoted more than the I did for the artilce I wrote!!
I agree that this needs addressing and is probably harder to notice and monitor than posts, as comments can appear anywhere.
Great project, I'm going to follow and upvote @patrice and @spaminator. Wishing you luck and success with it all.