Trud Reporter Dilyanna Gaytandzhieva Fired Without Justification.

Dilyana broke the story about a massive weapons smuggling operation from eastern European nations to multiple conflict zones in the Middle-East.
Instead of receiving the attention that this courageous reporting merited, Dilyana has been released by her employer without reason.
Anonymous Bulgarian on twitter (@anon_bg) provided government records and shipping documentation as undeniable evidence.
Dilyana's Original piece at
For a complete rundown on this story please check out my series Weapons Smuggling at
At the center of the billion dollar illegal weapons smuggling operation are the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan, Silkway Airlines, Bulgarian weapons manufactures, SOCOM and multiple US contractors including - Orbital ATK, Purple Shovel and Chemring Group.

This is a travesty.
Dilyanna is a True Journalist of the Highest Caliber.
Lend your support for Dilyana on Twitter
Meanwhile, we are fed an endless amount of manufactured events, state propaganda and sensational distractions on a daily basis.
I want to extend a big thank you to fellow steemian @sarahabed for alerting me of this situation.
Follow @sarahabed and @clarityofsignal for in-depth coverage of the Syrian conflict and much more.
You can also find Sarah Abed on her twitter handle sarahabed84 and on her Facebook page The Rabbit Hole
Please also visit @clarityofsignal at

Instead of receiving the attention that this courageous reporting merited, Dilyana has been released by her employer without reason.
Anonymous Bulgarian on twitter (@anon_bg) provided government records and shipping documentation as undeniable evidence.
Dilyana's Original piece at
For a complete rundown on this story please check out my series Weapons Smuggling at
At the center of the billion dollar illegal weapons smuggling operation are the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan, Silkway Airlines, Bulgarian weapons manufactures, SOCOM and multiple US contractors including - Orbital ATK, Purple Shovel and Chemring Group.
This is a travesty.
Dilyanna is a True Journalist of the Highest Caliber.
Lend your support for Dilyana on Twitter
Meanwhile, we are fed an endless amount of manufactured events, state propaganda and sensational distractions on a daily basis.
I want to extend a big thank you to fellow steemian @sarahabed for alerting me of this situation.
Follow @sarahabed and @clarityofsignal for in-depth coverage of the Syrian conflict and much more.
You can also find Sarah Abed on her twitter handle sarahabed84 and on her Facebook page The Rabbit Hole
Please also visit @clarityofsignal at

No truth is allowed in mainstream media. Only way to unplug from fake news is throw your TV away. The truth is so obvious, don't understand how anybody don't see it by now. Decentilazed alternative media is only solution (not like Rebel media)
Fake News sucks!
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Spamming comments without anything constructive to say will get you flagged. You are lucky its just little old me and not a big angry whale. Let this be a warning to you .
Dont you worry I will never send you shit ever again.
Stay ungrateful!
Wow. You got nuked. I swear your rep was on 56 earlier.
Yeah, sure shows the hate here.
I ment no harm, I did not know offering a gift/post was Spam. And this is how I am treated?
Did anyone take the time to see I do a Steemian of the day regular post. I am here wanting to be positive and share.
I did not mean to upset so many people here/ so much hate????
50 score to 5
for trying to help others?
It must suck. I can't have any sympathy for you when you replied to every comment on multiple posts with the same reply.
You're not trying to help others you are only trying to help yourself. They are affiliate links you are posting which means you get paid every time some signs up via your link.
Don't try and justify your actions just except you fucked up and move on.
He hit the nail on the head with this one. His book wasn't too far off either
you guys are definitely right about that! everything he wrote about is happening right now...
You are spamming my comment section - 10 times with the same link, once is already enough. please do not spam...contribute something to the conversation instead.
live and HOPEFULLY learn.....
This is true journalism. Careful orwel is kinda extreme in my mind. To each there own. But what do you think of california taxing on drinking water?
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This sh*t has got to end, we need to be able to protect these brave voices risking it all. I'm sure everyone remembers Serena Shim :'(
Nature didn’t promise us a just and fair world. Those who do this must understand the risks.
We can try to build tools for enable humans to protect themselves. We can never entirely remove ruthlessness from nature.
What we may want, believe and feel, is not relevant if it is not also realistic and viable.
yes my first thought went to her :(
Such a tragedy. She exposed an invasion and they killed her for it.
Reminds me of Serena Shim who exposed how jihadi mercenaries were being smuggled from Turkey into Syria in World Food Program (UN) vehicles. She was killed 2 days later in a "car accident".

The US ignored her death (she's a US ctizen) and Press TV forgot all about her after a few days.
That's why the Media is so full of presstitutes and shills, the few journalists with integrity they get rid of.
Media and Journalism is a way more dangerous weapon then any powerful weapon out there, I am a witness of that in many case, My country was at war 17 Years a go, and i could see what an influence media reporting has, The Serbian forces that was killing innocent Albanian people had control over media, and they were showing the propaganda to the Serbian nation, so it is the Media that in fact made all Serbian people believe that Serbian regime was leading a war against terrorist, but they never showed the truth, on how they were killing women and children, to this day many people in Serbia don't know the truth about the war here. so i pray and hope that one day media will really understand that they have the most powerful weapon.
They know the media is the most powerful weapon, that's why the Elites have kept such a tight grip on it (and are still trying to control it with censorship).
Btw it wasn't only Serbs manipulated by propaganda, but also Kosovan and Albanians.
Western intelligence agencies played classic divide & conquer in the Balkans.
And seems it is actually you in Kosovo that have been kept in the dark about the real nature of the war. It is now admitted the CIA & Western intelligence supported the KLA with the purpose to start a rebellion and break up Yugoslavia. Even NATO generals over the years admitted most of the violence was initiated by the KLA, and more evidence of their brutality emerged in the recent organ harvest trials. Of course we only find out about these things once the war is over. If the Western public had know this before they would have not supported the war against Serbia.
Also the Red Cross numbers show most of the displaced in Kosovo were infact ethnic serbs, which undermines the whole "albanian ethnic cleansing" narrative. And still today we keep seeing serbs forced and intimidated to leave Kosovo.
The good thing is that now thanks to social media there are self funded citizen journalists, and the media is not controlled solely by powerful interests anymore.
More evidence of the near total control of 'the shitstem' by the same elements. Upvoted and Resteemed!
Sad but true.
Sounds like a refugee who could find a good home writing stories here on Steemit.
I was thinking the same ;)
stop spamming my comment section
One of the most powerful aspects of Steemit!
your spamming is incredibly annoying and insulting to people who are here to read something of importance in the world, go away
Citizen journalism, which is independent, and is not beholden to the interests of some company or nation has to pick up what corporate journalism has stopped supporting.
Big thank you @v4vapid this is really sad to see high caliber journalist with a deep understanding of what their job is about to get fired for telling the truth. All over the western world, today facts are less important than propaganda. EU is one of the worst places today for real journalist. The so called free world today has become a communist world who is not telling its name. Today in EU if you are expressing an opinion different than the mainstream one you can end up in jail and EU politician are calling it freedom of expression. The time will come when all those responsible for this situation will face the people trail. We know that EU and USA are feeding the terrorist with weapons and make the mass immigration to EU possible. If you want to look at the top of the pyramid there is a little country in the middle east who take advantage of it and may soon after that expand its territory, of course, this country is back up by USA and EU for decades and what ever you said about this country can bring you to jail. Dilyanna Gaytandzhiev must join the dissident press and take care of herself as the EU is ready to do everything to bring down good journalists. She is one of the journalists who is real and she must be rewarded for that and not fired. Love her.
This is not working if you have not noticed. Ur getting down voted not follows.
Trying to help you succeed on this truly awesome platform.
Best wishes.
Maybe this is a good thing, now she is free from that crap and now start real journalism by creating her own media like fb, youtube, steemit :)
Incredible courage the #journalism Dilyana. We can only see people like him, compared 1:1.000.000 maybye. Bc most of us are indifferent to the things that smell or violence whit #weaponssmuggling "for some people in this years". N today most people are concerned wiht #politics rather rhan the salvation of the souls of others.
Hopefully in the future we can find a lot people like his courage.
Journalism is so important this day in age and yet there is still so much done to stop journalists from doing their job, we need more outlets like this to help bring attention to the injustices happening
Men only want to see what they want to hear and nothing else :(
This is the sad reality of paid media and the reason why people are loosing their faith in News companies.
Awesome article, and thank you for the mention! Glad you are making people aware of this. Can't believe I didn't see it till now. Just a minor correction my twitter handle is sarahabed84 :-) but no worries it's correct in the screenshots. Also, as an update, it looks like Julian Assange is looking into hiring her. I just hope she stays safe because we know what happened to #serenashim and would not want more of our amazing truth advocates to face a similar fate. God rest her soul.
Very interesting that Assange is showing interest, could turn out to be a good thing in the end, who knows, right?!@sarahabed, thanks for responding ;) I've been a little busy lately. Sorry I misspelled your twitter...will fix that asap. I just noticed that i also spelled Dilyana's last name incorrectly in the title! ffs...
Also, I will be sharing this on my facebook and twitter accounts, and I will tag Dilyana too so that she can see the incredible amount of love and support here. So glad we crossed paths @v4vapid
Thanks for bringing this to our attention buddy. I guess the only silver lining is getting fired isn't the same as getting whacked! There are too many truth tellers that have had tragic accidents or been suicided. If anyone needed any more evidence of the creeping Orwellian police state that is planned for us look no further, it's already here. When telling the truth is a sure way to get fired or worse you know your society is in trouble.
Govt. is the hidden enemy of real journalism. They know how to manipulate, influence and contaminate values.
This is another reason why Steemit is so amazing! The true story can be found instead of the endless. Arrage of distraction and division programmed media. Steem on Baby!
Upvoted and resteemed :)
Cheers! from @thedamus
I never really liked her journalism anyway always seemed half assed
Upvoted and also resteemed :]
he is great. thank you for giving this very interesting information my friend
She... She is great
A great journalist
You go girl..Keep it up! Upvoted and rsteemed
Silk Way? Like Silk Road? Weird...I have so much respect for her. Intelligent, brave, and dangerous to war hawks.
Great post. Love her work!Reshared @phibetaiota
the problem here is she to so hot and smart. have to stop that. she can only have one. haha just kidding, my wife would punch me
Thank you for posting.
Thank you for the information .. this is good news .. hopefully many who ngevoted you .. follow me maybe we can be friends well
thanks for the hand of friendship.
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very sorry, deleting now.
Everyone who sees ur posts on this thread will see it as spam.
Stick to your delusions if you wish.
yo...@healthiswealth - you've posted up the same bullshit some 10 times here without actually adding anything to the conversation. fuck off with your spam. it's not a free gift, it's trash.
GTFO with your spammy ass.
Sorry mate, new to social media.
I thought I was giving a free gift to each I sent it to.
I fucked up... made posts because i pissed in a lot of cornflakes... by bad.
I am sorry, please forgive me. It wont happen again.
Have a blessed day...
We need more true journalists.
I wouldn't mind reporting on dat ass, amiright!
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Contribute something with your comments or don't comment.
Especially on really important posts like this where people like me actually go through all the comments to see additional CONTRIBUTIONS to this discussion.
Consider yourself off my list of following.
Did not mean to piss you off? I was offering you a gift.
Deleting them now.
You only make your self look more pathetic with every post......
Wish you great success~*~
nice post thanks for sharing
sorry for sending you unwanted post.
Thanks to God, we killed all the terrorists in Mosul
Invite Dilyana to write her story here on steemit and we will support her to the best we can. She's has a freedom here and stay anon if she wish for her protection from the government.
a great journalist
sorry for sending you unwanted post.
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OMG are you serious. I force lots of down votes for you.
Consider yourself off my list of following.
Did not mean to piss you off? I was offering you a gift.
How ungrateful?
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deleting them all now.
have a good day.
thanks for post
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What I find outstanding is that people pay attention to these stories, while ignoring how truly wonderful life actually is, it's not all that bad, it could be better. However focus on the nice things of the world!
Firing reporters for speaking the truth is censorship.
She should be lauded for her incredible work, not lose her job...
the world is not all unicorns and rainbows my friend.
Ignoring the truth and being complacent is why we are in the situation as humanity we are in.
Journalist like this are ESSENTIAL to an accountable society.
Soon this all is end ... I not know how... but I feel it.
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deleting them all now.
have a good day.
I think I sent you a unwanted token offer.
was saying sorry
Great report about terrorist.
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have a good day.
Really interesting read @v4vpaid. Upvoted and followed.
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have a good day.
brave girl, perfect journalism !!
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have a good day.
I've resteem your
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True journalism has been dead for quite some time now, at least through the traditional mediums, since they are all owned by large multinational dictatorships, I mean corporations. It will be up to brave individuals via the internet and platforms like this one that has to speak truth to power!
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have a good day.
All media work behind a background agenda
welcome to the team!
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have a good day.
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I can't believe you are spamming this thread so much....Cant believe I am still commenting....
Consider yourself off my list of following.
Did not mean to piss you off? I was offering you a gift.
How ungrateful?
sorry for sending you unwanted post.
deleting them all now.
I can't believe this reporter who is trying to uncover the lies and deceptions and bring truth to the people is being silenced and muted which absolutely disgusts me.
It seems like rather than having a system where we can be transparent and uncover the truth, the government and other elites try to hide things for their own gain.
Coincidentally I wrote a post yesterday stating if money really makes you happy, but it seems the government values power and technocracy and that is their source of happiness.
I guess smuggling weapons into these countries to carry on this political warfare is more important than losing influence or trying to strive towards peace.
I think as photo-moment said, blockchain technology will be advocated by everyone sooner or later. When this transparent system is set up, it will be virtually difficult to suppress anything from the public, and we can finally stop being manipulated @v4vapid.
Good luck 💪 @v4vapid
I love American publications ... good luck
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have a good day.
Yep thats how it works. Forget the MSM is mostly BS and negative. Dilyanna Gaytandzhiev should got on and do independent media its the way forward.
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deleting them all now.
Any sign of corruption they see and they try to axe anyone who is involved in exposing it and they cover up all the corruption. All paid for by the taxpayer.
Crypto is a beautiful thing these days. It's one way of taking the power back for ourselves.
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have a good day.