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RE: How Do You Handle Pain?

in #journal8 years ago (edited)

Thanks so much, @crok. I'm really not a fan of taking pain meds at all, and I do think you're right, we often think pain is an important signal to help us prevent further injury, but I'm learning it's very often not that and something which can be worked past. It's amazing how much our brain is involved in this whole process too. If I can get myself to just "ignore it," I wonder if that would subconsciously fire off messages via the nervous system to those straining muscles to chill the hell out as well.

Either way, this quote I support and will now poor myself a nice little shot of whiskey in celebration thereof:

One of the best things for injured backs that occasionally cause massive pain is alcohol since it relaxes all the muscles and dims the mind to pain

Thanks for the hugs. :)


Go for herbal medication. I used to have a pain at the back too but I just drink a lot of herbal tea.