What a beautiful day - The trees can't wait for Spring

in #journal9 days ago

What A Beautiful Day



Walking today was much more pleasant than it's been these past few days. For one, the sun was out. Secondly, the temperature was averaging 6-8ºC. It was actually quite nice.

Overnight I managed to see the moon at midnight. It was directly overhead and very bright, even though there were patchy clouds around. If anything, the clouds created a mysterious vibe around it. I had been kind of hoping to see the full moon, which was apparently the "Wolf Moon". I guess it's just the name designation for the first full moon of the year, in January, because I couldn't see anything different about it, apart from the fact that it was directly overhead at midnight - in the same way the sun is overhead at midday near the equator.


I tried to photograph it with my iPhone, using different settings, but it's a difficult thing to photograph with such a limited camera; small sensor and very difficult light situation. I was also hand-holding the phone so I couldn't do long-exposure without wobbling a little. Not even the iPhone's gyroscope can fix that kind of wobble :)



The days have been very slowly getting longer since the Solstice. Even some of the flowers have started preparing to bud, some even have colour already. It's amazing how early things start to prepare for Spring; we're bang in the middle of winter with more cold snaps ahead. It seems as though, just like me, the trees can't wait for Spring either 😂

I was sat in a cafe with a glass window and heating. Looking out, for one second, with the clear skies, it almost felt like it was summer. Of course the trees would have leaves in summer, which is why it didn't seem right even to my deceived senes.

I hope tomorrow is as pleasant as today was. I spent some extra time outdoors because of it. If not for all the work I had piled up, I would have spent the entire day outdoors to take full advantage of the good weather conditions.


Back to the trees. This particular twin-tree photographed above is actually one tree, not two. The two trunks become one just outside the frame. There was a bin and a man sitting near there is why I framed it this way. I usually don't like people in my shots. I try to respect people's privacy. Besides, unless it's street photography, photos are more aesthetically pleasing without people in it. It creates a timeless feel too.

It reminded me of when I used to photograph trees an awful lot. This was over a decade ago no. I even created photo books from the images. Does anyone make photo books anymore? There was this tree I followed through the seasons, photographing it change with time. It was quite a nice experience. I shot a lot of the using film as well; Kodak Tri-X 400 I think. Ah, those were the days. I still have some of those vintage cameras in storage. Maybe I'll dust one off one day but the cost of film photography is quite prohibitive now. It's an expensive hobby.

Let's see what happens this bull market. Maybe my bags will explode and I'll be able to afford my own darkroom with all the film and chemicals anyone could ever ask for :)

Peace & Love,



I'm more aware of when it is sunny now as it means I'm generating solar power. It has been a bit cold though and I don't mind if it warms up. I've noticed some daffodils coming up already. Spring will soon be here.

I'm already done with winter haha. Spring can't come soon enough.

We may still be in for some winter chills before spring. Stay warm.