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RE: Before our white brothers arrived.

in #john9 years ago

i didn't do it. my father didn't do it. my grandfather didn't do it, my great grandfather didn't do it. we were all born here. writings like this are used to control by using guilt, but we are not guilty. the guilty are already dead.


You missed the point my friend. This is not about blame but about the wisdom of elders from a society that didn't have the issues we face today because they looked at life from a compassionate perspective where value was placed on humanity and nature, not on material things. It is the trappings of corporate and government rule that has lead to the system that now controls us. Mr Lame Deer isn't blaming anyone, he is pointing out how society creates and imprisons all people, not just the mistreatment of the first nations people but of all people on the planet. Society as we know it might be technologically advanced, but could we call it civilized?

the wisdom of the losers. do tell. i am part native american. i have uncles who don't even grow body or facial hair. i don't worry about it. that part of my ancestry was so wise that they got slaughtered. also, no, i don't call this civilized. what we have here is pure tyranny that has taken over the government. servants acting like masters, and the vast majority of the people let them. so now, we are the ones lining up to be slaughtered. also, if you really believe that the savages that lived here before the colonization were more advanced, you really should do some more research. try looking into the comanche or the apache. there might have been a handful of elders who had some idea, but the rest were pretty much cavemen. hope that didn't come across too angry. i've just been living with the failures of all my peoples for a long time, and it's starting to get tedious.