Are you tired of working harder and getting by on less?

in #joehill4 days ago

I know this will be hard for all you crapitalusts to read, but contrary to your lifelong indoctrinations there are other schemes to managing large groups of people effectively.


For instance, did you know that the workers do all the work?
I mean this sounds like a no brainer, but have you really stopped and examined how this fact could be used to the advantage of all workers, and not just the monied few?

What happens when the farmers stop growing food?
What about the truckers?
How long do you last if they don't make the deliveries?
Can the crapitalusts eat their gold and gated communities?
Can you eat your crypto and silver?

On any given tuesday the workers of the world can unite to live in a worker's paradise.
The end of poverty is just a few simple steps away from what we are already doing.
Switching to the new paradigm is as easy and continuing to do the work you did today, but instead of everybody paying for things, we share our production with the warehouse who is responsible for keeping the shelves stocked.

The bums already live at the worker's expense, but as things are we pay bureaucrats, too.
We would save money to give a free pass to the bums and fire all the gov't workers to end our responsibility for their health care and retirement expenses.

Rather than sell your labor to a boss/owner, you can donate your work to the warehouses on the premise that you are entitled to draw one share of the total work from the warehouses.

Why would you do this?

You wouldn't, you don't have the faith in yourself, but the fact remains, workers don't need the accounting department, the accounting department needs workers.

Life in this new worker's paradigm comes with all the things you need, for 'free'.

Free housing.
Free shoes.
Free skooling.
Free phones.
Free electricity.

You don't pay because nobody else pays, either.

Anything you want you can order from the web to be delivered to your door.

You only have to agree to do your fair share of the work.

From the age of about 20 to the age of about 50, 25000 hours of contributory work should suffice to meet your individual contribution needed to keep the system afloat.

These numbers will, of course, have to be made on the spot and on the fly.
They are subject to change.
But, what is not is that you have one share of the total work coming in return for your giving one share of the work.

You give that one share now, but the 1% has to have more than you so your work is discounted by what they call profits.
You get only ~40% of what you put in.

You give your share of labor, the crapitalust gives you wages.
You buy your production back from the crapitalust at a discount known as profit.
Your wages can not buy back your labor because the crapitalust must have his profit to stay in the luxury your failure to understand basic economics affords them.

Take insurance as an example.
You pay in.
You take out.
If you pay in less than you take out, the company goes broke.
Therefore you must take out no more than half of what you put in.
It's just simple math people.
Check the numbers for yourself.

The only way a crapitalust can pay wages and still have a profit is to charge you more than the wages that went into the product.

Spare me your shrill crapitalust wailings until after you have read the material linked.

IF you have not read the material, keep your comments to yourself, you are just making the class dumber.

For those of you that have done the reading, tell me where I am wrong in the comments?

The future is constructed by you, dear reader.
Your choices will make it what you choose it to be.
If you choose to continue being a slave of the banks, that is on you.

Only you can reject crapitalism to live in a worker's paradise.



Of course, the moneyed psychopaths will (and are) replacing the workers with automation...  The best solution is to remove the need for the accounting for Our energy to survive - money.  (My definition of money:  anything tangible We use to account for the energy We input into a system.  This can be trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills (paper), or electronic bits (or anything else used for that purpose).)

The End of (Social) Entropy  (article):

You are exactly right, the love of money is the root of all evil.

However, IF we get back to sound money the difference is minimal as all the money requires energy input, as things currently are some money is just printed and has no energy attached.
Work cannot be faked, money can, though, and this is the foundational problem.

No matter what economic scheme we devise there will be people interested in competition and that requires metrics to measure, they will find them.
It's just human nature, and not necessarily malignant.

I don't think You follow... All money accounts for the energy We add into a system. And irrespective of form - anything tangible We use to account for the energy We input into a system (this can be trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills (paper), or electronic bits (or anything else used for that purpose)) - the psychopaths will do all They can to get the most.

They will not stop at defrauding, stealing, sabotaging, torturing, or killing if They can get away with it. It is a dangerous tool for this very reason.

And it is very archaic a practice. We have had the tech for half a century and more to end the point of accounting for Our energy, on Our vastly abundant planet, but the moneyed psychopaths in control hide it avidly. (Did You know with enough energy We can transmute any element into another? Given the moneyed psychopaths presently own virtually all the "precious" metals, and have the tech to transmute... Gold, silver, platinum can become the new fiat...)

As for "competition..." If Our wealth was available to all of Us, what would We be competing for? (You did know You're a multimillionaire, right? And that They tie You down with money, making You a slave?)

Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article):

Abundance -> Cooperation; Scarcity -> Competition (article):

The End of (Social) Entropy (article):

If Our wealth was available to all of Us, what would We be competing for?

Bragging rights.
Attention in the breeding game.
World renown.
Any number of things worth competing for outside money.

We could stop exploiting our neighbors' inabilities, though.

Well, yes, We will compete for social currency, that rather is My point - We won't be couch potatoes, but You make it sound as if that is a problem. I suggest that, quite the contrary, that is a high advantage.

Funny, I was just listening to The Machine Breakers chapter yesterday. I let the audio carryover to The Dream section. Thanks for the links.
I thought I knew many “entrepreneurs.” Now, they seem more like Trojan Horses. Good intentions and beautiful creativity used against them/ourselves. They hate me, and they will never hate themselves for succumbing to the passive criminality their indoctrination perpetuates.

Crapitalism looks good on paper, but the facts are that some get too much and too many get very little.
We'd do better to just share.

That book is very impactful, it's no wonder they don't teach it in the skools.

The system would fail if the workers were organized.
