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RE: Walid Shoebat Talks About The Dangers of Islam

in #jesus • 6 years ago (edited)

So, did you really just stop by and say "I am judging this book by its cover, and I can tell it is so one sided..."
I thought the man's name was funny, so I started watching and was not planning to watch but a little bit of it. I am getting an education, this man knows both sides in a way I am BETTING you do not. Not claiming to know what I don't know, you know?


In this case, the title and the quote are making bold and maybe hateful claims. Keywords - "danger", "destroy". So yea claims can be judged too. You can replace Islam with any religion and can have the same effect.

I have watched 40 minutes of it. Which part did you find educational? It seems he is just making up stuff.

I have studied international affairs, politics, cultures, and religions. I know a little bit. One-sided speeches, propaganda serve as dehumanizing groups of people and lead to stupid wars, crusades, invasions, terrorism, etc.

Any ideas, ideologies, religions can be used for starting wars, causing destruction and suffering. History is full of examples.

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He was RAISED in the middle east and was a TERRORIST for a while. I think he might know more than you picked up in your "studies." Not listening to people because you DECIDE you do not like what they say is a surefire recipe for staying ignorant. Not stupid, ignorant: You ignore what is right under your nose.

If you have read my comment you would know I have watched it. You didn't respond which part you found educational. Just came back to call me ignorant? How cute.

So by your definition being raised in the middle east and being an ex-terrorist is a qualifier to be an authority on the topic?

Anyway, there is already too much hate in the world, I don't think more is needed.

It gives me a view into a world I would not otherwise have. I find that educational. The entire thing was educational. Information is a good thing, especially information you would not otherwise have. Why do you care what I found educational? The point is to educate yourself.

 6 years ago (edited) 

I asked because you responded to my comment saying you found it educational. If that is the case you should be able to elaborate on that to have a meaningful conversation and share something of substance.

There is plenty of information (and misinformation) on many topics these days. Establishing authority on the subject is part of getting proper education/knowledge. Unless of course you think all information/knowledge from all sources is equal.

P.S. I already conceded that the speaker knows what he is talking about in other comments. I still don’t agree with the message though.

Seriously, I apologize. I am just very, very tired of people who are itching for a fight and it could be I see them where they do not exist. What I found educational was just his view, I really do not know how else to describe it. I do not take every word he says as the gospel truth, we all see through our personal filters and we all speak from our personal bias. The notion that the "anti-Christ" of Christianity is the same as the Mahdi... I think that was the term... savior for Islam was a bit of actual new information for me.
As for the message, may I suggest you at least stay open to the possibility that your opinion is wrong? That is what I try to do. I do HAVE an opinion, it is not the same as Shoebat's but my opinion is now based on more information than it was before I listened to him.
I do not hate Muslims, I do understand that some people have identified as "Muslim" as a matter of convenience or poltiics. However, there is a lot of pro-Islam propaganda as well as anti-Islam propaganda, and falling fully for either message is where you get into trouble. Check this out, it is another informative viewpoint, IMO. Peace!

Here you go, another perspective with vitally important information you may not otherwise have access to.

I watched the video and read the post. I can see and understand different perspectives. However, they are subjective, pertain to isolated environments/situations, fall into a trap of tribal mentality thinking. That doesn't mean they should be ignored. History should be studied and learned from, violent acts should be put to stop. I won't comment more on the post, as I don't know much about the circumstances of that situation.

Coming back to the video. I agree with most of the historical perspective presented. I have no doubt Muslim monarchs, kings, princes, warlords, etc committed many atrocities in India and elsewhere. So did monarchs, kings, and princes of other faiths too. Problem is the archaic monarchical ruling system, dictatorial regimes, family line dynasties trying to keep or expand the power, etc. In the hands of these few rulers and their advisory circles in history, religion has been a mere tool to control the masses, achieve their personal, political, economic, and military goals. That's why democracy is one of the best things we have invented, and it provides separation of state and church.

Politics have had a tendency to corrupt ideas/ideologies including religion for the big part of the history. All religions have been a victim of that. That is why I think it is wrong to attribute the actions of rulers, governments, countries to religions. Religions should be examined on their own merits: what they claim, their scriptures, what they have to offer.

So, while the author of the video does a good job to present the perspective of Muslim invasions in India and centuries-long rule, he fails in 2 matters:
(1) Calling it an issue of Islam, rather than just of those monarchs, armies, etc. Religion doesn't matter in that context. It could have been any religion. There were battles and wars to conquer lands and people were going on all around. No religion had a monopoly.

(2) Not giving the full context of the history in regards to modern Muslim-Hindu, Pakistan-India conflict. All of India was under the rule of the British Empire for a couple of centuries before getting independence in 1947. British Empire used religious/ethnic divides to make it easier for them to rule, strategies like "divide and rule" were implemented.

Most importantly the BE failed to responsibly leave the area in peace, because of how they divided the country up. As soon as independences were proclaimed violence erupted among Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs. Millions of people were killed, millions of people were migrated to new Pakistan, millions of people migrated to new India. One of the ugliest periods in human history. You can see this pattern of leaving conflict behind in many other places that used to be British colonies or protectorates.

Today these two nations remain in conflict and are nuclear powers. Just recently tensions escalated when Pakistan captured Indian pilot. These conflicts are political and complex. In college, I had a course, Southeast Asia Studies. My professor was a retired diplomat from India, who took part in a delegation to the UN during negotiations regarding Kashmir conflict. Ordinary people just want peace and tranquility. Conflicts are created/used by politicians and geopolitical powers. We need more charismatic leaders like Mahtma Ghandi who don't have political ambitions, take a non-violent approach, spread the message of unity and love, instead of division and hate.

totally agreed fishyculture
you hit the nail right on the button

Above you will see the result of inbreeding.

That's right, @nickgrujic's mother fucked her brother and @nickgrujic was the result.

Look at the ramblings above and let that be a warning to you!


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if youve studied all this and were taught in a school you are the one that is biased and more than likely making things up since thats what you were taught lol
try to have an open mind and have a great day geek girl
i have friends who have read all three holy books and laughs at all religious people since 90 percent of people educated on religions cant see in front of their noses lmao

Above you will see the result of inbreeding.

That's right, @nickgrujic's mother fucked her brother and @nickgrujic was the result.

Look at the ramblings above and let that be a warning to you!


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