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RE: Walid Shoebat Talks About The Dangers of Islam

in #jesus6 years ago

Seriously, I apologize. I am just very, very tired of people who are itching for a fight and it could be I see them where they do not exist. What I found educational was just his view, I really do not know how else to describe it. I do not take every word he says as the gospel truth, we all see through our personal filters and we all speak from our personal bias. The notion that the "anti-Christ" of Christianity is the same as the Mahdi... I think that was the term... savior for Islam was a bit of actual new information for me.
As for the message, may I suggest you at least stay open to the possibility that your opinion is wrong? That is what I try to do. I do HAVE an opinion, it is not the same as Shoebat's but my opinion is now based on more information than it was before I listened to him.
I do not hate Muslims, I do understand that some people have identified as "Muslim" as a matter of convenience or poltiics. However, there is a lot of pro-Islam propaganda as well as anti-Islam propaganda, and falling fully for either message is where you get into trouble. Check this out, it is another informative viewpoint, IMO. Peace!