Hello fellow steemits,
My name is Daryl, and I have experienced several strange events in my life time, from the paranormal to UFO's. These strange events started as a kid, but for this contest I'll focus on a strange coincident that happened in my 20's.
By the way, that was ahh about 20 something year's ago.
At any rate, the story begin like this, Im from Houston, Texas, anyone from the south know exactly how the summer's are, HOT and HUMID, it was a weekend night in a rural area about 2 miles from a well known college campus. A couple of friends and I decided to go out to this local club from the college campus.
After the club closed at 2am everyone was leaving or hanging out in the parking lot doing what college kids do. As we were leaving the parking lot the car in front of us pulled out first, oh yeah, by the way, we were 3 guys in a pickup truck, I was on the door.
This club mine you, is on a long dark country rode in a rural area, no light, except the cars leaving the club all heading in the same way, back to the campus.
The young lady that pulled out in front of us was going at least 65, we were about a half a mile behind her and gaining fast! when it seem like her car just exploded and started spinning in the middle of the streets, we had to swerve fast to the right to keep from colliding with her spinning burning car! Once my friend gained control of our vehicle on side of the streets, we were in shock! like what the FUCK just happened and what did she hit? My first thought was that she had hit someones cattle in the rode, but when we jumped out the truck and ran back to the incident, we saw that she had ran head on with this well known guy in town, out of respect I won't mention his name, he was killed instantly. But he was well known for playing cat and mouse games with his car, and being a hot rod fast driver, you know how in a small rural area everyone know each other. At any rate, when got back to the burning vehicle she was pinned under the steering wheel unconscious and bleeding from her face and head making a strange sound, like she knew we were there.
But the car was on fire under the hood, and fire was starting to come from under the dashboard causing the car to fill up with smoke, the car that she hit was nothing but a front seat left in the middle of the street, as other people pulled up leaving the club they noticed the other driver in the ditch about 50 feet from the burning car, his forehead was gone, it was obvious he was deceased.
And just like a fucking movie the fire burned the car completely before the fire trucks and paramedics arrived, no explosion though, once help arrive I was ready to go, didn't want to talk to no one, I had just had an "out of body" experience and was still in shock, I guess, I just wanted to leave the scene. This was 1983.....
In 1993 I took a job driving a meat truck, our job consistent of riding around selling this package meats, different steaks cuts, seafood etc.
I was new to the job so they paired me with a guy to train me the first week. We got alone very well, found out we had a lot in common, mainly where we were from, "the rural area of the incident" so upon leaving the warehouse after loading up he suggested we go to the country to sell the meat, which I thought was a perfect idea because I knew a few people up there from back in day, and figured we'd sell plenty meat, which we did.
After a few hours we decided that we had hit every spot except this neighborhood on the other side of the college campus, so on our way back to Houston that was our last stop, nice sunning day about 12 noon, we pulled up to this family enjoying the day in the front yard, the guy that was training me that day knew them, we got out and he introduced me as his co-worker trying to learn the trade, it was 3 kids and there mother, kids between 4-8 years old playing around while we show off the nicely package meats, she couldn't afford any at the time, so my co-worker gave her a package of T-bone steaks for free! huh, 24 in a package! who was I to say anything, I was new, this was my first day.
I loaded up the rest of our display while they reminisced about old times, I noticed during our time there the young lady had a glass eye, but you know how we act when we noticed someone with a handicap, we try and act like we don't notice, at least I do, out of respect.
About 10 minutes on the highway back to Houston I started asking questions, about how long have he known the family etc. for some reason I just asked him how did she get that glass eye? his answer cause me to pull over on the highway shaking with emotions, I have tears in my eyes now just thinking about it...I made a U-turn immediately, we got back to the residence and they were still outside playing, I got out the car, and I couldn't speak, I mean I was literally choked up speechless! my co-worker did the talking and explained what was going on, and why we were back so suddenly, after that...
Nothing but tears...
She say she heard that Dewayne Mosley friend saved her that night 10 years ago.
She lost an eye that night, broke both arms and legs, crushed her spline, 7 reconstruction surgeries to her face.
She got a 8, 7 and 4 year old kid, and not a burn on her body.....
Because, there is something in this world thats unseen, that guides, and leads us to our right places in life, at the right times.
We just have to learn to listen to the power in all of us.
Was this a coincidental meeting? or faith...
So we turned our attention to getting this lady out of this burning car, this was all happening very fast. She was trapped, and her door wouldn't open, so we tried the passenger door to no avail, the fire was coming close to her feet and people got back thinking the car was going to explode. "including my 2 friends" It was some construction going on were the accident happened so it was a pile of dirt that we attempted to through on the fire under the hood, but it was fruitless, the fire got worse. Now mind you, this was before the cell phone #early80's. The only thing we could do was run about 2 blocks up, and start beating on doors for someone to call for help, we eventually woke someone up to call for help, but, by this time the lady in the car was about to burn to death right there in front of everybody. I didn't understand why no one was helping me try to get this woman out of this car! It was at this time, standing there not 5 feet from this car watching flames starting to come under her dashboard into the car, something ask me, "are you going watch this woman die?" I TURNED INTO ANOTHER PERSON, all I knew, at that moment, was that I was not going let that happen, It was dark, except from the lights from other cars parked down the streets, and the flames from the fire, I stood there, alone, and got in the car with her, sitting with both legs in her busted window, my feet on her seat that was pinning her to the steering wheel, I pushed down hard with my legs, and pulled up hard on the steering wheel and heard a pop! I called out to my friend Dwayne Mosley thank God for him, he was riding shotgun with me when it happen, he had the courage to run back up to the car and try one more time, he pulled open the passenger door and grab her legs has I pulled up on the steering and pushed down on the seat, she slid right out smoothly, at this point I jumped out and ran around the car to help him carry her down the streets.
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