MY COINCEDENTAL JOURNEY STARTED WITH A NAME- ENTRY FOR Supernatural Writing Contest (SWC)@jerrybanfield

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)


But, what inspired my father about this name?
My mother supported him but she can't still recall why?
How can I forget our background? Is it not still obvious to anyone who knew our background for more than 29 years ago, even before I was born?
A family that was not enlightened. The knowledge of the Bible was the last thing my father would crave for. It made no sense to him from day one.
I remembered growing up, the few times spent with him before his earthly journey ended. I could perceive his zero interest in Bible History or even the scriptures. Though my mother wasn't so close in the knowledge of God's words that much, she was better than Dad towards religious/societal obligations to worship.
But my name was given to me by my father as he had claimed each time I have asked him, which my mother concurred.
We were Anglicans then.

My coincidental journey on this earth started from when I was born, or rather BEFORE I WAS BORN as things turned out. Many say my journey so far has something to do with my name. I don't know, but whatever, my life makes more sense to me at the end of the day. No regrets.

It was around 8:20am that very day, 12th December, the extended family of Ezeokoye in Umuezeabatam Kindred received me, as a new born baby boy.
The Obi of extended Ezeokoye family which my father inherited is the mother home of about 25 Nuclear families of my kindred.
In those days, they mostly practice Traditional religion. Coming from such family background in a kindred from the famous Igboukwu Town which is well known for its archeological arts believed to be linked to our ancestors' deep involvement in traditional religion, my father gave me a name.
I was named LEVI from the time I was born for a reason not even my parents who gave me the name could tell.
My life started.

I had an Aunt who died in 2015. She was everything to me. My elder siblings told me how I told people that my Aunty was my mother, sometimes even in my mother's presence. I still recall how we were so close when I was very young. She exposed me to as civilized as I could be according to the society I grew up in. She taught me how to read and write. Her departure came to me as a shock, but as coincidental as my life has been, I gave her a book about SALVATION OF THE SOUL written by a Chinese, Watchman Nee, not knowing that God was using me finally to pay her back all she did to shape my life for what God purposed about my coming to earth so that I can meet and later be with her in heaven and forever. What a coincidence, how God plan things. A month after she finished reading the book, she called me on phone and told me that she was sure of salvation of her soul, for God has revealed His mystery to her through that book. Its was not up to a month after she called me, she died for a reason we can't tell till today without any serious illness.

That's by the way, the main part of my life story continues.
Before my aunt died, the coincidental life believed to have something to do with my name started.

When I finished my secondary school system in Nigeria, I was admitted into Tertiary Institution in year 2008 for further studies which made me relocated to another city in Nigeria, precisely Enugu.
That's where I believe God was pushing me to. That's where my mission caught me.
I joined to reside with my maternal uncle who I had never seen since my life. He had not visited my home town in my presence.

I didn't plan to stay with him, a cousin who was close to him tried and convinced me. Though I saw free shelter as one of the benefits then. But another thing is that this my uncle is a Pastor.

The day I packed to his house, February 18th 2008, it was like; "Wow" when I told him my name is LEVI. I could perceive the joy in his heart as his first question came; "LEVI, DO YOU KNOW THE MEANING OF YOUR NAME?"
Before then I was able to know about some of the bible stories as the society changed. I learned about the tribes of Israel and the sons of Jacob, as my name Levi was the name of one of his sons. It doesn't make sense to me though.
I was gonna do my things here in Enugu my own way and my uncle can never influence me or stop it religiously, I said. But his question was kind of sucked in my head from that moment. I remember it all the time. I started hearing God’s words from him by the bible. Sometimes it makes sense sometime it doesn't.
Sometimes I could skip weekly services to stay with my friends for he has a building in his compound he dedicated to the Church.


I had never celebrated Christmas and new year holidays in another city since my life. I couldn't imaging it happen. But on that year 2008 Christmas and new year holidays, coincidental journey kicked and I spent my holidays in Enugu. My cousin and I who stayed together with this my uncle got an unreasonable idea not to travel for Christmas. Our reason was to spend the money sent to us from families on January ending instead of on Christmas when things are expensive so that we would buy more stuffs in January at a cheaper rate.

That was how we stayed back. Then on 31st night of December 2008, my uncle took us to an end of the year party of a family friend because he didn't travel as usual.

At the party, we Merry. The party was about to commence when my uncle(Pastor) was a kind of giving us illustration of life without the salvation of the soul and value of God’s gift of salvation to mankind that nothing can be compared with, as he prays. His illustration must have sounded minor and meaningless to others, but God strucked me personally from it.

After hearing a man that had lived better even in luxury before I was even born said this, my mindset was Changed.
My view of life changed. I started seeking to know more about God and His words. I knew I got salvation from that moment because I had this inner peace. I started seeing God as my father. I knew from then that God has accepted me freely by Grace. I didn't feel guilty any more about my past and my past short comings. My passion to know God more grew. My uncle and my cousin didn't know something happened to me. We came back but I was not the same person before the prayer at that party. God is real. Salvation is real.

The next day, I went to a neighbor friend who didn't travel and started telling him the need for the salvation of his soul. My uncle didn't find out what happened to me for a very long time. I started preaching the gospel to people, in school, social media, any where I see any opportunity.

In our society, when you preach about heaven and salvation of man’s soul, people see you as a special person God uses, Or may be a clergy. But the funniest thing is that I hate to be addressed as such, yet I do or rather preach like one.
I hated being flattered or rated as more special than anyone else because God uses every man in different aspects of life.

This is not the end of the story but the beginning.


I have being in different fields and settings in life, not knowing God’s initial plan for me wherever I find myself, but as time goes, I see the reason and coincidences.

My name is LEVI. The priesthood tribe of Israelis. My parents gave me this name without even knowing well about the tribes of israel and the Levite's in particular. My father is late and my mother even up till now is not that devoted to the things of God. She was part of the agreement that initiated my name, but, she is the same person that will always tell me to preach less. As a matter of fact, she feels that she has lost me. That I have deviated from the societal ways of life. Life of cravings to matter in the society. A life that is focused less on knowing God.

The book I gave to my aunty before she died was as a result of God’s plan. I was employed in a Fashion Company without knowing why. I have not got more knowledge then, but I have started preaching with the little knowledge I had. So, as conincedental as things go, I started earning money on weekly basis. I was paid well according to my level then. One day, on my way home from a hang out where I used to go for refreshment, unusually I started walking home. Instead of boarding a cab as usual. Though my house wasn't that far, I could walk too for sometime, but I wanted to just walk and feel the environment. I came to a bookshop. There, I met a man and as we were discussing an issue, we ended up discussing things about salvation of the soul. As interested in the topic as I was, the man not knowing my devotions so far, recommended a book for me which I later spent most of my earnings, buying and sharing people freely. It was then I started impacting people mostly as they read and give to others. I came to know why I got the job where I earn money to buy books. My cousin later got his own revelation and joined me in my devotion. It was that same book that I gave my lovely aunty which she read before she died. But I will meet her again in heaven. Right now, almost everybody in my family have come to have knowledge of God through me. In social media like Facebook (check out LEVI SPLENDOUR on facebook to confirm my wall), my friends can count on me for impacts about the salvation of their souls.
I am not a clergy, though my name is LEVI
It was through my journey that I started studying bible to know more. I found some facts that encouraged and convinced me that i was indeed a plan of God even in my mother’s womb. Like Apostle Paul's Epistles elaborated more on it. And the book of Jeremiah. Example, in Ephesians chapter one verse four (Ephesian 1:4). It said that God chose us even before the foundation of the world.

I don't know what to call my PAST; A PLAN OR A COINCEDENCE?

But whichever one it is it makes more sense to me.
I remembered after my conversion to God, in year 2009, I told God something that was very unusual to me. Something that could destroy the very thing that meant a lot to me. Something that has been my dream since my adolescence; MY PASSION AND DESIRE TO BE A MUSICIAN.
Things were going well with my music plans. My elder brother got a close friend in the entertainment industry. A well known music album Marketer and promoter then (C.N MEDIA). He was to have my album marketing contract with but something very coincidental happened.
Before my moves with my potential marketer, I asked God for a favour, Or rather told God something. I checked the entertainment system and my faith, it seemed indecisive.

I spoke to God;

“FATHER, IF MY GOING INTO MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WOULD COST ME MY SALVATION, DO NOT MAKE IT WORK OUT.” As funny as that sounded, about a year later on a Friday, preparing to travel to Lagos, Nigeria on a Sunday where I was to start my music promotion deal with the supposed Marketer, I received a phone call from my elder brother. It was a bad news.
My potential Marketer, my brother’s friend was dead! He was poisoned. It was terrible for me. It was like a joke. I couldn't bear it
What a coincidence?
Then I remembered my plea to God. I couldn't tell whether I was sad or not with God. I felt cheated by God.
But, later on, I saw reasons why everything happened.


The story of my life continues.

It feels good too sharing it, especially with people that care to know about it.

I can't stop thanking @jerrybanfield for his immense contributions to steemit community

I dedicate this story of a coincidental life of mine, your humble steemian Mr LEVI(my friends call me SPLENDOUR) to @jerrybanfield and all fellow steemians.
You can follow me on my life journey @uniqueknowledge . I will follow you too

Upvote if you are impacted. Life goes on

Thank you. #supernaturalwritingcontest #jerrynanfield.


Nice one bro, please keep it up

Thanks much dear. Good to have you here