I was born in the Dominican Republic in 1949, of a peasant family, of ten brothers where I occupy the number seven place. My mother says that I spoke inside her womb, and that her life was greatly enlightened, which is why she put the name of Luz (Light) on me.
At an early age I learned to read. There were many books that I read before the age of eight, which is why I received many punishments because my father said I was precocious and that they were not books for my age, so I decided to read them secretly.
I was misunderstood by my father, who was very strong and violent. Punisher par excellence were many beatings that I received in my small body. It was so I realized that I had a certain ability not to feel pain, it just came out of my body, that is, it showed me, I listened but I did not feel pain. I spent many needs in the course of my life because of the economic ups and downs of the family, I went through poverty, hunger, nakedness, but I always felt that Something Supernatural guided me and my purpose in life was to succeed in helping many people and reach the University without economic support of any kind, without food, without transportation. I remember that I spent months without tasting food and with my spiritual ability to externalize I did not feel hungry. I graduated in record time. I obtained the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences at the age of twenty-four.

Some time later I emigrated to Venezuela where I got married, and that's where my great interest in having a big family begins, so I went to a gynecological medical check-up. In that first interview, in a brutal and very cruel way, the doctor told me that I had a cancer in the womb, that I forgot to have children because with those conditions it was not possible. He took a biopsy of several areas of my uterus and performed other tests, which confirmed what was found in the first interview, with the addition that I also had a tumor in the left breast. I had never felt anything in it, but after the manipulation made during the exam it began to grow and to annoy enormously.
The doctor insisted that I could give me a great life in the time I had left, that I enjoyed it. I left there very sad, desolate, with great frustration.
I remember it was a Friday and the next weekend I had a great depression. Then it came to my mind that everything the doctor said was not true. That there was Something Superior that always took me out of great storms. I began to pray, to talk to God as if He were my Friend. I told Him how it was possible, that my life could not end like this, that I was still very young, that I had a lot to give and do and that my great work was just beginning. That I wanted to be an example and a living testimony of His power that will heal me. I asked for it for days, weeks. My faith grew increasingly felt that the impossible for science He would make it possible.
One day, lying down and exhausted from exhaustion, I fell asleep. The room was dark and suddenly a ray of light entered my body. It was a light of great warmth that enveloped my whole being giving me the sensation that something was transforming and changing in me.
I felt that my body was heavy. I began to dream that I was going down a path of singular beauty, with many leafy trees and bright colors, predominantly purple and deep yellow. This impressed me a lot and, as I walked, it was as if I had watching a movie: I saw that I would have many children and grandchildren and I saw myself as an old woman.
Suddenly I saw that at the end of that road was a very beautiful fountain where the water fell from the top making me hear a very pleasant sound. At the bottom of that fountain I saw some green and yellow stones that looked like emeralds and gold. It made me take them in my hands. Suddenly I fell into that water of great warmth and very pleasant.

I felt as if some arms lifted me up. It was something impressive. I did not want that moment to end. I wanted to stay there. I heard a very melodious and soft voice that told me:
"Child, you are healed. Go and see, fulfill your purpose. Everything happened. Do your work and get the fruits that I know how to recognize them at the end of the road. Difficult times will come but I will raise you up and I will always protect you"
I continued with the image of the forest that impressed me so much and I saw children jumping with joy that gave me a pleasant emotion. An intense light and a sound of the door that opens woke me up. It was my husband coming home from work. With great difficulty I sat on the bed and full of mixed emotions I told him everything that had happened. He was filled with emotion and thanked God for a new hope.
From that moment I felt a unique peace and tranquility. I felt like something heavenly, full of mysticism. I was so involved in that moment that, really, it was a real dream. I experienced it and I felt it. It was wonderful. I would like to explain it with more details but words don't come easy to me because there are things that cannot be expressed in words.
I felt so happy and so full of optimism that I did not think about my health problem again. In my body something had happened and I had the feeling of being pregnant. And this I could take for granted that it was.
I had an appointment for the following week to perform other tests, but since I had to undergo radiological exams, I decided to take a pregnancy test first to confirm my perception. I did this and I was very careful and attentive to the result of this test. A few hours passed and I went to the laboratory. I trembled with emotion. They gave me the results of the test. I broke the envelope, I could hardly contain the trembling of my hands, I read with emotion: "Positive result"
God, what emotion! How many thoughts crossed my mind and how much gratitude to God, my Creator, for that favor granted, for having listened to my prayers!
The first thing that occurred to me was to go to the nearest church and, kneeling, I thanked God with all my heart for that achievement, for that blessing, for that miracle.
In the afternoon, I was more serene and I went to the doctor. He saw the result and, opening his eyes as if they were going to come out of their sockets, exclaimed:
- You have to repeat this test. It can be "false positive".
I did not want to tell him, so skeptical, what had happened. He examined me again and as in my breasts no lump was noticed and the result of my gynecological examination was that everything was normal, something totally different from what he observed a month ago, he said:
- I can’t believe it! This is a miracle!
I, very sure that the test was truly positive did not repeat it. Eight months later Wendyluz was born, my beautiful and healthy first daughter, who was of physical characteristics equal to the girl I had seen jumping with joy in the previous dream.
After that birth, my life was spent raising my daughter and dedicating myself to my patients. It happens that I feel a great healing power and just by laying my hands on my patients they are cured. I teach them how to heal without drugs, with the broad resource of nature and I give them testimony of my life. This is how my existence goes.
After Wendyluz I still had two more children: Gustavo Ernesto and Ernesto Manuel. Today, all three are professional, honest and exemplary parents who have given me four beautiful grandchildren.
Forty years have passed. I am currently sixty-eight years of age and thirty-nine years of matrimonial union and a whole work with fruit in the practice of Regenerative, Investigative, Biological, Orthomolecular Medicine and with a great faith in God and a faithful testimony of the healing power of our Father Creator to whom I give thanks all the days of my life and for ever and ever.

Thank you very much @luzvenecia for writing this wonderful story about your recovery, and submitting it to SWC. I sent 12 SBD directly to your account for your participation in the contest.
Thank you for that incentive. what a wonderful contest, I really liked to participate. God bless you
congratulations @luzvenecia
Gracias, angeldeluz369