Such a wonderful and interesting topic for blog...
"My Near Death Experience"
By @arbitrarkitten mam...
I got by a nest of wasps right next door to my home. They stung me all over my head, neck, behind my ears -- 39 stings the doctor counted. I got home and was like...I'm okay. I'm cool. Told my mom I got stung by some bees but I thought I was okay. She didn't seem too worried. I decided to go take a shower.
In the shower, I began feeling dizzy and my back started hurting.
I quickly turned the shower off and got my clothes on and began feeling dizzier and dizzier. Then when I came out of the bathroom, my mom looked at me and had a look of horror. Told me to get in the car immediately. My face and head had swollen hugely.
Between my house and the hospital, I started losing consciousness. Everything I saw had a yellow tinge and I suddenly felt very heavy and tired. My breathing got very labored, but I sort of of didn't care. I felt like I was slipping away into sleep.
I remember arriving at the hospital and they didn't even bother with registration. They threw my ass on a gurney and started pushing me back. As I was going back, I remember closing my eyes and thinking, "I guess whatever happens..." And then nothing. Some minutes later, I opened my eyes and a very large man was staring at me. He said, "Bad news. You're gonna feel completely fine within a couple of hours. You probably won't even get out of going to school tomorrow."
He was right.
Thanks dear...
Oh wow. Are you allergic, or was it just the sheer amount of stings?