It seems like you experienced all that there is. Have you also noticed how synchronicity and Deja-vu are precursors to these mystical experiences?
I’ve never intentionally tried eye gazing with someone but I do look deeply into people’s eyes in day to day life and it’s just as you described. You can feel happiness, joy, or the lack of if you look deep enough.
Great share and read!! Thank you!🙏🏼😌🍀
Deja vu is really crazy. Have you had any mystical experiences? I think they're fun to read about.
yes i have-- have you? hopping over to read your entry now :)
@mountainjewel and @nomadicsoul 👋🏼😀 I’m still learning to track all the comments here. I’m growing my wings.😄
I will write a full entry on mystical experiences very soon. I’ve been through 2 super traumatic experiences in the last 17.5 years. Both times I felt like each one could have ended my Earth journey.
Instead what I experienced was an ego death. If not eternally, it has brought me 99% more clarity about my purpose here.
I’ve been using juiced fruit, vegetables, (concentrated life force energy), teacher plants, fasting and meditation to take a peek behind the veil of reality.
I’ve been able to have memories of the future, visually see people’s energy fields, see glitches in “the real world”, slow down time and I spend time with a brother who passed away almost 18 years ago (in dreams).🙂
Lots to share here. I’m giving you a follow too MountainJewel.☺️
That's awesome! I'll look forward to hearing more about your journey. Seems super powerful and so glad you have such a strong sense of purpose -- it's one of the most important things in life. Much love!
Thank you🙏🏼😌 I’m glad we connected and I’m sure we have much to share and learn from each other!!💚♻️
Hi @nomadicsoul!! I just saw this comment! Yes I have. Maybe too many to write in a comment post. I’ll write on this topic soon. I gave you a follow! 🙏🏼🙂
thanks @anthonydigital1 for your thoughtful comment. Yes there does seem to be a correlation between synchronicity and deja-vu... I think when we cross over into other states of being the normal ways of perceiving reality start to fall away only to have these really aligned seeming events take over. it's really cool!
thanks! <3