This Report that Jeffrey Epstein Tried to Commit "Suicide" is Unsurprising

Just a few hours ago, it was reported that Jeffrey Epstein was found unconscious in his prison cell, with marks around his neck, after a "suicide" attempt. Though rapists and child molesters are the lowest of inmates in the hierarchical totem poll of felons inside the penitentiary, it is unlikely that this was the reason for his alleged suicide attempt, as it did not happen in a public area of the prison, but inside his cell, though details about the attempt are still unclear and foggy at this time.  Secretary of Labor and attorney Alexander Acosta was forced to resign from his cabinet position after Jeffrey Epstein's latest arrest for his failure to perhaps stop dozens of more teenage girls from being sex trafficked and abused by Mr. Epstein after he served as the acting prosecuting attorney the first time Epstein was tried in court for his repugnant criminal behavior and assured that Mr. Epstein would be able to continue his criminal repugnant behavior. 

However, before resigning, Mr. Acosta allegedly claimed that orders came down from above to leave Epstein alone because we was an intelligence asset, which fueled further wild speculation that Epstein was a CIA asset, an Israeli Mossad asset, or an asset of both alphabet agencies, and was involved in a scheme to entrap high ranking military, financial, and political leaders of various nations in sexual acts with not only underaged girls, but with underaged, illegally sex-trafficked girls. Since then, it has been speculated that this operation allowed Mr. Epstein to feed his own pedophilia fantasies with impunity from prosecution for his crimes, in exchange for continuing to provide images and video to intelligence agencies that could be used to blackmail the most powerful bankers, politicians and military personnel into engaging in foreign policy measures desired by these intelligence agencies. Again, since there is no proof of any of these allegations, I want to stress that all of these allegations consist of at the current time are wild speculations.

Of course, it is very likely that no one but Epstein and his handlers will ever know the truth regarding these matters. as I doubt that this information will ever see the light of day and is much more likely to remain shrounded in the darkness of evil where such despicable behavior hides.  However, given the allegedly more than 20 trips former US President Bill Clinton took on the Lolita Express to Epstein's Lolita Island, confirmed on flight logs, and numerous UK Parliament Members (MPs) and US bankers and senators that I suspect were also caught in Epstein's honey trap, if the risk becomes greater that the names of all these people will come to light in some sort of plea bargain deal, then the risk of Jeffrey Epstein committing "suicide" likely increases exponentially. One only has to revisit the  case of the missing Westminster dossier,  compiled by the late UK MP Geoffrey Dickens, and given to Home  Secretary Leon Brittan in 1983, that allegedly named at least 22 UK MPs engaged in pedophilia along with at least 18 other prominent, well-known figures in British high society, to understand that the wealthiest, most powerful members of every nation are never subject to that nation's laws.  Not a single person was arrested despite the enormous amount of work MP Geoffrey Dickens spent to document the sick crimes of his fellow Parliament Members, and when others tried to follow up on this case, Scotland Yard stated that they had no proof of any crime because somehow, they had misplaced the dossier containing all evidence compiled by Mr. Dickens, and had no idea what happened to it.

Nearly every criminal attorney that I've heard interviewed about the Jeffrey Epstein case has stated unequivocally, had the amount of evidence of repugnant pedophilia behavior been compiled against any other American other than Jeffery Epstein that was not rich and powerful, that person would have received a sentence of life in prison with no parole. However, even though Epstein was convicted as a pedophile and had to register as a sex offender in any US city where he lived, he as given a slap on the wrist for a crime that every criminal attorney said a "regular" American would have been sentenced to life in prison with no parole. It is this reason that makes the speculations that Acosta told friends that he was told to leave Epstein alone due to his role as an intelligence agency asset so compelling. Obviously, there were definitive reasons why Epstein received what amounted to no punishment for an egregious level of pedophilic crime the first time he was tried for these crimes in 2008, and nobody at this point, is certain about the nature of those reasons.  If the allegations of Epstein being an intelligence agency asset are true, it is incredibly important for this connection to be revealed, along with the identities of the involved intelligence agency officers, for it would reveal the morally bankrupt nature of intelligence agencies that are willing to completely destroy innocent lives of children (as some of Epstein's victims were allegedly as young as 12-years old) in order to blackmail military officers and politicians in to engagement of wars they want.

In any event, this is a particularly compelling case, because I believe that the web of misdeeds cast by Jeffrey Epstein spreads well beyond the reach of the United States into multiple other continents. Unfortunately, there is no reason to believe that the prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein, regardless of whether Labor Secretary Acosta's alleged claims that Epstein was an intelligence agency asset were true or not,will lead to any arrests of the horrible people involved in spinning this web. The reason, however, that I wrote an article about this matter, though it is about a subject somewhat off topic for my posts, is because this case is a truly important case for people to study in order to understand the high level of systemic moral depravity of the people running our countries, financial institutions, and corporations all around the world.