It doesn't look like @georgedonnelly isn't giving Jeff Berwick (@dollarvigilante) a fair shake
In any case, the fair shake is part of the deal. No deal? No fair shake.
This sniping at him doesn't make you look good George
What sniping? He broke a deal with me and called me a maggot and loser. Did you actually consume the content before responding?
You should look it over and do your interviews
Look WHAT over? What part of he broke our deal and didn't send me a goddamned thing did you not comprehend? Am I writing in ancient Greek here?
Expose the truth
I just did.
I would like to see what you can find George.
Then read the post and watch the video!
Okay. That's not the way it looks to me. I would like to see Jeff cleared or if he is a conman, finished in the Anarchy space. If you're finished with your investigation then you're finished (not that you started), but Jeff isn't. He will continue with his popular podcast and Anarchapulco, and you will have achieved nothing. Yes, I am trying to get you to finish what you started.
Jeff had the opportunity to be cleared. In fact, he bugged me until I gave it to him. Look what he did with it.
I just showed that Jeff is a dishonest person. Actually, Jeff did that all on his own.
I didn't start it. Jeff did. And then he ended it in a dishonest manner. Go talk to him.
Didn't start it? Didn't Jeff contact you because you made a negative comment about him in a public video?