Jeff Berwick Breaks Deal for Galt's Gulch Chile Transparency, Calls me "Little Maggot"

Jeff Berwick broke our deal, thus proving my point for me that he's a dishonest person. But judge for yourself.

Deal Made

Jeff Berwick ( @dollarvigilante) and I made a deal on August 25th. He would provide me every bit of information he has on his Galt’s Gulch Chile and passport scams. I, in consideration, would gather information from other sources and write a long-form journalistic piece revealing the truth behind these schemes to the public.

Jeff expected vindication. I expected the truth.


Jeff Breaks the Deal

Jeff contacted me again 8 days later to break the deal after attempting, first, to redefine it and, second, to get me to keep confidential the incomplete information he promised to send me.

Jeff did not send me the information promised, not one bit of it, and instead called me a “little loser” and “little maggot.”



Jeff Berwick Proved My Point

In my video from August 25th, in which I asked you to help me hold Jeff Berwick accountable to his promise of Galt’s Gulch Chile transparency, I said that I think Jeff is not an honest person.

Jeff proved me right when he broke our deal. Honest people keep their promises, honor their deals and don’t try to weasel out of them with lies and insults.

Make it Right

I’m still open to Jeff making it right. His former partner Ken Johnson is sending me reams of information. His former clients, known now as the “rescuers,” have put lots of information online for free access.

So I don’t know what Jeff needs to hide so badly that he’s going to call me a “little loser” and “little maggot.” But he still has a chance to prove his honesty, if he so chooses.

Bottom Line

But the bottom line is that Jeff Berwick proved my point: Jeff Berwick is not an honest person.

If there are any changes, I’ll make another post about this, but I’m not holding my breath.


Here’s the transcript of our conversation. Click on individual images for larger versions.




One thing that you said twice in the video George, is that agreeing to send someone all of this information, is something that you yourself would not do.

I carefully read your facebook transcript btw and I do not see where Jeff Berwick agreed unequivocally to send you a 100% information dump.

Edit: I am leaving my initial and incorrect statement above (and on the blockchain) however George is correct... Jeff wrote "no, I'll do it."

Unless or until it is proven otherwise, I am going to go on assuming that Jeff Berwick is NOT a scammer. Simply because I do not have the time to investigate Jeff for myself.

I have never met Mr. Berwick. However, I do know and trust people that know and trust Berwick. Unfortunately, I also know and trust people who... do not trust Berwick.

That drunk skype call about the passport 'scam' was really interesting... but what I remember from that was "Wow this guy should lay off the sauce." I think that all passports , be they 'legitimate' or not are just pieces of paper.

If you do prove that Jeff is a scammer, then you will be doing our little liberty cult a huge service. But if Jeff is an honest actor in the market for liberty, then all of this drama is just an anti-productive waste of energy.

I do have one question for my fellow readers... Is there any honest reason why Jeff Berwick would not want to share 100% of the information reguarding GGC and the 'passport scam' to a third party?

#herding-cats #fence-sitting #scam

George Donnelly has a reputation for being meticulous and detail-oriented. Berwick appears to speak "off the cuff" and has made a reputation for "multiple connections" and "networking." He engages at a more general, more "conversational" level. From a relatively disinterested third party perspective, I'd say "Their two 'general approaches to life' or 'styles' are completely at odds."

I like Berwick's 'anarchast' podcasts. I like that Berwick is aware that voluntaryism can be minarchist or anarchist, and that suitably radical minarchists can be every bit as creatively-destructive toward totalitarian systems as "anarchists." (His interviews with G. Edward Griffin and Dale Brown from Threat Management are both as excellent as his interview with more conventional Watner/Konkin type "political-relinquishment-advocating" anarchists.)

I heard about the GGC, and thought: "Even if I had a million dollars, I'd never be involved with anything that failed my sniff test like this." If you claim to be following an anarcho-zionist path, then I'd damn well better be able to find at least one interview with you online where you address at least the major ideas from Atlas Shrugged's "Galt's Gulch." But Johnson hadn't even read "Atlas Shrugged." He very, very, very obviously didn't understand a single idea involved with anarcho-zionism or its many past failed attempts. He didn't have a single interview online. He was unfit to walk on the same ground as Wendy McElroy, much less debate her on any concept relevant to a "Galt's Gulch."

For the prior reasons, I'd have never considered GGC. (...Especially because Doug Casey already seemingly has something far better going on in Argentina, and others have better things going in Europe and Thailand.)

Ken Johnson seemingly viewed libertarians as idiotic members of a cult who would be willing to buy property anywhere where their cult leader's terminology ("Galt's Gulch") was invoked. By unquestioningly buying in to the project just because of its title, said libertarians acted like cult members. George Donnelly was not a member of that cult.

To me, it seems that, if you want truth and professionalism held to a high standard, drilling down and covering all the details, George Donnelly is a good person to talk to. If you want to get a general overview of an idea, or where someone stands in general, Jeff Berwick's anarchast is a great place to start.

These two people both have done good work and bad work in the liberty movement, like most of us have.

I think calling Berwick "a scammer" is a bit harsh, but then, I don't hold everyone to as high a standard as George Donnelly does, (perhaps because I don't like to be continuously disappointed). Then again, if you lend your name to a big project as a recruiter/marketer/etc., you should have a good idea whether that project is reputable or not. The GGC project was a high-profile failure for Berwick. The last I read, McElroy has publicly absolved Berwick of much of the blame for the mess, focusing her blame on Johnson. She indicates she's focused blame on Johnson here.

Someone named Terrence Gillespie lays most of the blame at the feet of Johnson, on the borderless podcast.

These two people both have done good work and bad work

What "bad work" have I done? Be specific or retract it because that's a ridiculous claim to make and I don't think you have any evidence to back it.

You may disagree with some of the philosophical approaches I've tried. You may be upset that us working together did not pan out as you'd hoped, but I have never been engaged in or associated with anything fraudulent. Quite the contrary, I have exposed fraud.

Oh, this is rich. Donnelly wants a claim retracted? No evidence, eh?

When I asked Donnelly to retract the erroneous accusation against the GGC Recovery Team he made on, he refused and said if I didn't like it, "tough luck."

How does it feel to be on the other side, Mr. Integrity?

Read more carefully. I cited the particular snippet of relevant conversation at the beginning of this post.

In case that's too fuzzy, check out Berwick's comment on the Aug 25th post where I say:

Jeff Berwick promises to send me every last scrap of information on the $10M Galt's Gulch Chile scam. Help me hold him accountable.

And he says:

No need to "hold me accountable" George, I'm more than happy to do it. I'll send it to you in the next 1-2 weeks (super busy).

Please also listen carefully to where I said I promised something equally, if not more, burdensome in return. Delivering a ream of information is trivial compared to the job of sifting through it and other reams from other sources to find the truth.

The deal is valid. Berwick broke it. That right there is evidence of dishonesty for those clear-eyed enough to be able to see it.

I'm not involved in any cults, so speak for yourself.

You are correct, Jeff wrote "no, I'll do it."

100 % upvoted power on! wow.

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  • Glad you're enjoying it.

    To be honest Iv met Jeff last year in Acapulco and he's certainly no conman he's a genuine guy and really kind And very thought full ;-) have a good day brother

    You met the guy once so you know more about him than people who have watched him for years, researched him and done business with him. Sure. /s

    Iv also watched him for years have a good day now lol

    And actually I have done plenty business with Jeff and he's helped set my friends company up and business so proplem with money changing hands then lol


    Well I didn't read it.... but in the end it seems he just wasn't going to give you the docs he agreed to before? ... what's up with that... indeed it smells fishy that he didn't own up to his word and "create as he said he would" to produce the actions his speech of mouth claimed to be willing to generate. That's "sorcery" manipulation (Stephen wold understand what I'm talking about, it's related to my work on word symbols and the real "abracadabra" of speech).

    Take care. Peace.

    Yeah, It doesn't look like @georgedonnelly isn't giving Jeff Berwick (@dollarvigilante) a fair shake. This sniping at him doesn't make you look good George. Jeff sent you something, that sounded like it would be extensive.

    You should look it over and do your interviews. If Jeff is dirty it is your job, acting as an investigative journalist, to find the truth.

    I like and follow both of you guys. Get to the bottom of this. Expose the truth.

    I would like to see what you can find George.

    It doesn't look like @georgedonnelly isn't giving Jeff Berwick (@dollarvigilante) a fair shake


    In any case, the fair shake is part of the deal. No deal? No fair shake.

    This sniping at him doesn't make you look good George

    What sniping? He broke a deal with me and called me a maggot and loser. Did you actually consume the content before responding?

    You should look it over and do your interviews

    Look WHAT over? What part of he broke our deal and didn't send me a goddamned thing did you not comprehend? Am I writing in ancient Greek here?

    Expose the truth

    I just did.

    I would like to see what you can find George.

    Then read the post and watch the video!

    Okay. That's not the way it looks to me. I would like to see Jeff cleared or if he is a conman, finished in the Anarchy space. If you're finished with your investigation then you're finished (not that you started), but Jeff isn't. He will continue with his popular podcast and Anarchapulco, and you will have achieved nothing. Yes, I am trying to get you to finish what you started.

    I would like to see Jeff cleared

    Jeff had the opportunity to be cleared. In fact, he bugged me until I gave it to him. Look what he did with it.

    and you will have achieved nothing

    I just showed that Jeff is a dishonest person. Actually, Jeff did that all on his own.

    I am trying to get you to finish what you started.

    I didn't start it. Jeff did. And then he ended it in a dishonest manner. Go talk to him.

    Didn't start it? Didn't Jeff contact you because you made a negative comment about him in a public video?

    I will say this;
    "Proving someone dishonest as noble as it may be is fruitless during the age of "Evolving Information" where with a update and click the "Lies become the truth." IF Jeff won't give you the answers you seek, then seek out the answers you need. If your math teacher denies you the answer to 1 + 1, do you stop searching for the answer? Use this platform he has given you to reach the truth...And when you do let me know I'd love to cover this on my Underground Podcast show. Most of my followers don't know about this, but it will be good to bring up the general conversation of " Is it wrong for Man to be dishonest or is it wrong of man to think everyone has to be honest?"

    SideNote : I don't know this for sure, but im assuming both you and Jeff claim Anarchy and Anarchism to some degree. In this instant one of you has to be wrong and I think its a blow to OUR community either way. I would encourage diplomacy further upon other non aggressive actions until you are 100% ready to leap.

    " I respect both you and Jeff, but I have a strange feeling that after this that might change. "

    IF Jeff won't give you the answers you seek, then seek out the answers you need

    I don't need the answers. Did you not read the article? Jeff initiated this.

    Use this platform he has given you to reach the truth

    I just did that. And he didn't give me any platform.

    is it wrong of man to think everyone has to be honest?

    Jeff Berwick claims to be an anarcho-capitalist, which means a follower of the non-aggression principle which means zero aggression or fraud. Dishonesty is fraud. That means he's a hypocrite, too.

    If you really think it's useful to ask whether we should expect honesty from each other, I don't know what to say to you. Civilization requires honesty as a prerequisite. Human relationships don't function based on lies.

    In this instant one of you has to be wrong

    I have given you every word privately exchanged between Jeff and I on this topic: complete transparency. You have everything you need to come to your own conclusion. Please do so, for your own sake.

    Considering he didn't know you were planning on posting this publicly and he thought it was private, I think he handled himself nicely. You on the other hand seemed to be playing hardball from the very beginning, with some giant chip on your shoulder.

    I frankly don't understand why he needs to suck your cock? Are you somebody famous? I looked up your name and you seem to share the name of a journalist, but you two appear to be different ages, so I don't think thats possibly you.

    You on the other hand seemed to be playing hardball from the very beginning

    The outcome vindicates me on this point.

    I think he handled himself nicely

    Breaking agreements is nice in your book, got it.

    So let me get this straight...Berwick offered to send information, Donnelly refused to accept, and somehow Berwick is at fault for not "holding up his end of the deal"?

    Try this. Berwick offered to send partial information and only if it was kept confidential, in violation of the agreement he made with Donnelly. Donnelly insisted Berwick not weasel out of their agreement. Somehow, Berwick sends nothing whatsoever despite the fact that he admits he has Donnelly's email address. Berwick adds insult to injury.

    Is it clear now?

    Sir, with a case in court still ongoing, it would seem prudent to keep matters confidential until the case is resolved.

    I don't understand why you declined to accept ANYthing offered at all if you said there you were interested in uncovering the whole truth.

    Confidentiality would not be prudent at all. A strong community requires honesty and accountability, not cowering behind bullshit excuses.
    As for the case, it will continue to be "ongoing" for as long as these silly gringos are willing to keep paying Chilean lawyers.

    it would seem prudent

    Why are you telling me this? Go tell Jeff. He agreed to the deal.

    I don't understand why you declined to accept ANYthing

    I'll accept anything he sends me. He has my email address and admitted as much in the transcript.

    His former business partner has had no trouble in reaching me via email. He sends me new documents daily, without me having to promise him anything in return or create videos.

    However, again, I won't let him weasel out of our agreement by sending a couple documents and then trying to claim he fulfilled the agreement. I demand full compliance because that's what we agreed to. Therefore, that's what I'm entitled to.

    If someone agreed to provide you with a dozen eggs and you knew this person was unreliable, would you accept half a dozen? You'd be a fool not to take a stand and demand the full delivery. Otherwise, you're leaving the door open to being ripped off.

    Drama is always fun, especially when the other person is more successful than you.

    That's cute yet incorrect. I've had a lot more success in my life than Jeff. I just don't hang it out there, nor do I measure myself by it.