Chet Baker with his wife Liliane [September 28 1955] in London to give a concert at the Stoll Theater, unfortunately the Musician’s Union wouldn’t allow him to play.
Chet Baker with his wife Liliane [September 28 1955] in London to give a concert at the Stoll Theater, unfortunately the Musician’s Union wouldn’t allow him to play.
I met Chet Baker in a small NightClub , called Funk & Jazz. They snuck him in through this 2×2 kitchen. He said Kid ( I was 12) make me some Fries.
I put them up ...and he started to play. IT was like magic . I slowly walked out of the kichen ,and in front of him was a black coffee and a heineken. The music was mezmorizing.. well as soon ad he finished his 20 minute set ,,I remembered the Fries!!! He said they were great! Lmao
Thanks for the Memory. xvz
Nice anecdote. Thanks to you! :D