This time introduce designers who draw plenty of illustrations showing anthropomorphic cryptocurrency.
暗号通貨キャラ@制作委員会 @crypto_creatorさんのご紹介。
She draws very high quality characters.
魔法少女リップルちゃん/Magical girl Ripple
ビットコインちゃん/Miss Bitcoin
今月の暴落からの急反発も腹筋のおかげかな w
Miss Bitcoin's abs is amazing!
The sharp opposition from the crash of this month is also thanks to the abs. ( ´∀` )
If you like it please follow CryptoCreater twitter. not forget to follow my Steemit!
"Cryptocurrency Girls in JAPAN # 4". coming soon
Cryptocurrency Girls in JAPAN #1
by kamatsukachan
Cryptocurrency Girls in JAPAN #2
by kamatsukachan
I started Steemit on July 18th 2017
I am blogging about the following topics :
- photography
- travel(World&japan)
- food(Restaurant&Bar)
- cryptocurrency
- japanese
- chanpagne
I’m supposed to join the Steemit festival in November from Japan
Please follow me and upvote if you like★
thank you!@gaudi
Nice touch with the crown since, Bitcoin is the Queen of crypto-currencies alright ;)