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RE: Pandemics, Wars, (S)elections & Insurrections… In The Matrix Of Fraud, IT’S ALL AN INSIDE JOB!

in #january62 years ago

Here's my life: I met my NPC friend for our weekly day out. I mentioned that the news had taken a lot of L's this week. He asked what I meant.

  1. I described the Fauci controversy regardiing the origin of COVID. He hadn't heard anything about it. - not about the origin nor about Fauci's involvement in the deception.
  2. I mentioned the Jan 6 footage. He abjectly denied that Sicknick wasn't killed at the Capitol and I told him that there was footage of him running around after the "fire extinguisher" attack and that Sicknick actually died the following day, the cause listed as "natural causes" - a stroke. My friend vehemently denied my "claim" and said "well, anybody can doctor film to make it look like anything they want". When I reacted with flabbergast, he simply said "the film showed those people killing him. you can believe whatever you want".
  3. I mentioned the "Ukrainian fishermen" theory regarding the Nordstream explosion. He hadn't heard of Nordstream, but agreed that the story of some fishing boat carrying a bunch of explosive experts and their equipment sounded silly.

This person is mostly homebound and watches network news (CBS, he tells me) every single night. There's no saving these people. Sdaly, at some point, my friend will likely become my enemy when he sides with the government when the crackdowns accelerate.



Yep, NPCs would do anything for their beloved matrix, including creating excuses for those that run it.