Yeah...I think I'm through...

in #jamie6 months ago

I love Jamie. I really do, but she's different since she went to rehab and jail. First thing I noticed is that she leaves and takes FOREVER to get back. She says it's because she gets distracted, runs and does other things. But a trip to 7-11 taking 3-4 hours? Come on man. And I'm just supposed to believe blindly that what you say is true? And that you've never stepped out of bounds despite doing it to me in the past and doing it to your husband with me?

We'll, the other night when you were acting weird around Raspy Ryan and you swore it was nothing? Well, I recorded most of that on my phone and it got most of the audio (which was the important part) - so in many parts of the video, it shows you and Ryan whispering - and the only people there were you, me and Ryan - so y'all obviously didn't want me to hear it. And then it also caught you telling Ryan that you would "Fuck him till he loves you." very quickly and very quietly. Raspy also asks if y'all can go swimming, you reply something along the lines that it's a very good possibility - this night I had asked if we could do something and you said that you had to clean your tent, etc. All the while the whole night Raspy was telling me that he loves me, and you are telling me nothing is going on.

Like I've said a million times, don't tell me you love me and that you aren't doing something with someone else, and then act like you want to do something so you can get me to hit you, give you attention, etc - and then always have an excuse or "reason" why you cant.

I'm not going to downplay our great conversations. We still have some great ones, but it's always when I'm hitting you or helping you do something. And shortly after I'm done, you usually find an excuse or "reason" why you need to leave or I have to leave, and rarely is it together. What's been really pissing me off is you'll have me hit you, you'll flirt with me, we might talk about what we should do, then you take off and head to Johnny's tent and don't come out or worse, you sneak off to his tent and act like you arent there. I'm a grown ass man - just tell me you are going to be with your husband and it'll make my life much, much easier. I won't have to worry about something being wrong with me or hang out at my camp thinking you still might be coming, or the multiple other annoyances that goes with it.

Like I said, I love you Jamie, just tell me what's really going on and we will have a great time together.