Castor oil

in #jamaicanhair7 years ago

Castor oil comes from castor seed this is a wild tree grown in Jamaica , they grow without any effort from any human being u can find this tree in areas that as been neglected , bushes and wild thrones well this tree produce a fruit on it , the fruit cannot be eaten because consuming it incorrectly can leave u in the hospital or even dead . When the fruit dry it pop open and a seed comes out of it this is what is used to make castor oil , the seeds are dried in the sun , beaten , boiled for hours until it is boil down to oil . After that it is bottle and sold , persons use it in Jamaica for constipation but majority persons use it for hair growth , this oil thicken the hair and promote growth from I was a child my mom use to put this in my hair and then put a plastic cap over my head and I would stay for hours with it and my hair g . Another use castor oil have that is not promoted it can be use for skin to clear up acne and blemishes . It is yse for constipation persons have to be careful cause consuming this in incorrect proportions can because more damage than good . ![image] this is the castor seeds() image
This is the oil you get having the process described above.