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RE: Curating the JAHM tag as an Advisor and an Ambassador for ReggaeSteem

in #jahm5 years ago

Hello @crypticat, Reggasteem ambassador and adviser :)
Great set of guidelines for how you intend to do things. I specially like the flipping and spamming ones. I, too, watch who's selling JAHM and I'm looking for people who are building their stake in Reggaesteem.

Posted via | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Hi Shanibeer,
You're buying more #Jahm than me. We are punishing the people selling it to us for cheap. I'd much rather compete with someone going for a stake than a speculator. Also want to see more content creators and heavily reward those.


Posted using Partiko Android

Completely agree with rewarding people building a stake and good content creators, that way we all grow together.