
in #itu7 years ago

RAKYATKU.COM - Sejumlah ahli memprediksi jika kutub Bumi tak lama lagi akan berbalik arah. Hal ini diramalkan akan membuat rotasi Bumi ikut berbalik yang membuat Matahari tidak akan terbit dari timur, melainkan barat.

Dikutip dari Dailymail, Sabtu (3/2/2018), Direktur Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics di University of Colorado, Amerika Serikat, Daniel Baker, mengaku bahwa tanda-tanda pembalikan magnet Bumi mulai nampak.

"Andaikata pembalikan terjadi, kemungkinan akan membuat beberapa area di Bumi punya label 'tidak dapat dihuni.' Pembalikan ini juga mematikan jaringan listrik dan mengubah suhu Bumi," kata Baker dalam laporannya.

Laporan dari satelit milik Badan Antariksa Eropa, Swarm Trio yang memantau medan magnet bumi menunjukkan adanya kemungkinan kemiringan dari inti Bumi, tempat di mana medan magnet dihasilkan.

Penyebab jaringan listrik mati akibat badai Matahari yang parah. Seiring medan magnet Bumi yang terus melemah, ia menyoroti pentingnya sistem energi off-grid, yakni sistem pembangkit listrik yang hanya mengandalkan energi matahari sebagai satu-satunya sumber energi utama untuk melindungi Bumi.

"Badai ini menciptakan radiasi sangat tinggi dapat berefek buruk bagi satelit dan para astronaut yang bertugas di luar angkasa," kata Ilmuwan Magnetosfer NASA, Mona Kessel.

Henrik Svensmark, seorang ilmuwan cuaca dari Danish National Space Centre, percaya kalau Bumi mengalami periode alami dari awan rendah karena sinar kosmik yang masuk ke atmosfer lebih sedikit.

Alhasil, menurut dia, dampaknya bisa menghancurkan kehidupan umat manusia, karena mengubah iklim Bumi secara radikal dan menaikkan status penyakit berat seperti kanker.

Bumi memiliki inti cair yang sangat panas, dan menghasilkan medan magnet yang mampu melindungi bumi dari radiasi matahari.

Pelindung ini sifatnya tak kasat mata, dan memiliki meluas ribuan kilometer ke luar angkasa. Daya tariknya mempengaruhi segalanya hal, mulai dari komunikasi global hingga jaringan listrik.

Medan magnet ini begitu penting bagi kehidupan di Bumi. Namun kini mulai melemah hingga 15 persen selama 200 tahun terakhir.

Alanna Mitchell, dalam buku terbitan terbarunya yang berjudul 'The Spinning Magnet: The Electromagnetic Force that Created the Modern World and Could Destroy It,' menyebut, secara historis, kutub magnet Bumi Utara dan Selatan telah membalik setiap 200 ribu atau 300 ribu tahun.

Namun, pembalikan saat ini terlambat, karena yang terakhir sekitar 780 ribu tahun yang lalu. Jika medan magnet terus menurun, Bumi bisa berakhir seperti Planet Mars.

"Dunia yang dulunya subur, berubah menjadi planet kering yang tandus sehingga tidak mampu lagi mendukung kehidupan," tutur Mitchell.

Kendati demkikian, masih belum bisa dipastikan waktu Bumi akan berbalik arah rotasi. Para ilmuwan bahkan mengaku heran mengapa hal ini terjadi, dan fenomena ini digambarkan sebagai 'aktivitas gelisah.'

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RAKYATKU.COM - Some experts predict if the Earth's poles will soon reverse direction. It is predicted to make the rotation of the Earth come back that makes the Sun will not rise from the east, but west.

Quoted from Dailymail, Saturday (3/2/2018), Director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado, United States, Daniel Baker, admitted that signs of Earth's magnetic reversals begin to appear.

"If a reversal occurs, it will probably make some areas of Earth have an 'uninhabitable' label. This reversal also turns off the power grid and changes the Earth's temperature, "Baker said in a report.

Reports from satellites belonging to the European Space Agency, the Swarm Trio that monitors the Earth's magnetic field suggest a possible slope of the Earth's core, the place where the magnetic field is generated.

The cause of the power grid died from a severe Sun storm. As the Earth's magnetic field continues to weaken, it highlights the importance of an off-grid energy system, a power-generating system that relies on solar energy as the only primary source of energy to protect the Earth.

"This storm creates very high radiation can have a bad effect on satellites and astronauts who served in space," said NASA Magnetosphere Scientist Mona Kessel.

Henrik Svensmark, a weather scientist from the Danish National Space Center, believes Earth is experiencing a natural period of low clouds because of the fewer cosmic rays that enter the atmosphere.

As a result, according to him, the impact can destroy the lives of humankind, because it radically changes the climate of the Earth and raise the status of severe diseases such as cancer.

The earth has a very hot liquid core, and produces a magnetic field that is able to protect the Earth from solar radiation.

This protector is invisible, and has extends thousands of kilometers into space. Its appeal affects everything from global communications to power grids.

This magnetic field is so important to life on Earth. But it is now starting to weaken by 15 percent over the last 200 years.

Alanna Mitchell, in his latest issue entitled The Spinning Magnet: "The Electromagnetic Force that Created the Modern World and the Could Destroy It," mentions, historically, the magnetic poles of the Earth North and South have flipped every 200,000 or 300,000 years.

However, the current reversal is late, because the latter is about 780 thousand years ago. If the magnetic field continues to decline, Earth can end up like Planet Mars.

"The once fertile world, turned into a dry, barren planet that can no longer support life," Mitchell said.

Despite that, it still can not be ascertained when the Earth will reverse the direction of rotation. Scientists even admitted wonder why this happened, and this phenomenon is described as 'anxiety activity.'

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