in #itestify6 years ago

Right where you are, just lift your hands and thank the Lord for His goodness and mercy, and watch as the cares of this life fade away.

Romans 8:28 says, “All things work together for good for those that love the Lord.”

All things mean even our mistakes, even the times we blew it and got off course. God knows how to work it for our good. You may be in a complicated situation, or have a problem that seems like there’s no way out; it seems complex. God has it all figured out.

Stop telling yourself how hard life is and start declaring, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me. I’m strong in the Lord.” You’ve got to stir up His anointing, that’s what keeps you moving forward. Don't compare your weaknesses to someone else's strengths. The only way to break the chains of fear and doubt is to know in your heart that God loves you no matter what. God’s anointing is only activated where there’s faith. Instead of thinking about how it’s not going to work out and how you’re not going to accomplish your dreams, turn that off and start declaring, “I am anointed, I am equipped, I am empowered.” That’s when you’ll see breakthroughs.

God made every single one of us unique for a reason. You are who God made you to be. Embrace that and pursue the purpose that He has for you. Waking up each new day is a gift. Appreciate it and do remember that you are loved. Welcome today with a smile. It's a God's gift to you. Life always offers you a second chance. And it's called "tomorrow".

If you could see the plan for your life on a map, it wouldn’t be a straight line — there are stepping stones, curves, and detours that are all part of the path to your destiny. Stay the course!

God works according to the law of gradual growth, so don't be discouraged if your progress seems slow. It is better that things are slow and solid rather than fast and fragile. Trust God's timing and enjoy your journey. God's timing is always perfect. Please don't get discouraged. Just like a farmer, when he sows his seed, he doesn't get the harvest the following week. There's a gap between sowing & reaping. And I really believe by the grace and mercy of God. I am reaping today things that I sowed more than 40 years ago. So please don't get discouraged.


thats good news homie

I like this post. It is positive, affirmative, optimistic. God bless you.