Relaxation in Italy - Entspannung in Italien!

in #italy7 years ago (edited)

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-19 um 14.05.44.png

Hey gys! Every now and then you should just relax, after I have examined the wall on the coast of Populonia in the village, I just wanted to spend the rest of the day very relaxed. Relaxation has a simple meaning to me, I just wanted to enjoy the view of the countryside and by chance I even discovered a harbor that was manageable in size. It's also nice to do nothing and just watch without really judging. That's hard, because how can you stay judgmentally free in this beautiful area :)

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-19 um 18.40.44.png
Nature should never be destroyed

Yesterday I read in the news that Japan has very warm temperatures in its big cities at the moment. People died because of the heat. Experts even say that people will not survive in big cities because of the heat in future. One reason is also that the land was concreted in the past. People need nature like water in life ...

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A little Italian village in the middle of a very green area

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Populonia in Tuscany

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Flower bike

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I felt in love with some palms over there :P

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cool design :)

Wish you the best - See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in German

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-19 um 14.05.44.png

Hallo an alle da draussen! Ab und zu sollte man einfach entspannen, nachdem ich die Mauer an der Küste von Populonia im Dorf begutachtet habe wollte ich den restlichen Tag sehr entspannt ausklingen lassen. Das bedeutete für mich einfach mal den Ausblick aufs Grüne geniessen und zufällig entdeckte ich sogar einen von der Größe her überschaubaren Hafen. Es ist auch mal schön nichts zu tun und einfach mal nur beobachten ohne wirklich zu urteilen. Das ist schwer, denn wie soll man bei der Schönheit urteilsfrei bleiben :)

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-19 um 18.40.44.png
Natur sollte man niemals zerstören

Gestern berichteten die Nachrichten über zu hohe Temperaturen auf dem Inselstaat Japan. Einige Einwohner sind aufgrund der unerträglichen Hitzewelle sogar gestorben. Zur Zeit warnen Experten davor, dass in Zukunft Japans Großstädte aufgrund der unerträglichen Hitze nicht mehr bewohnbar sein werden. Das Land wurde in der Vergangenheit zubetoniert und weist immer weniger und weniger Grünflächen auf. Da sehen wir wie wichtig wiedermal die Natur für den Menschen ist ...

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Italienisches Mini Dorf mitten im grünen

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Populonia in der Toskana

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Blumen - Fahrrad

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Ich verliebte mich in einige Palmen :P

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Cooles Design :)

Wünsch euch was - Bis bald und nen dicken Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3


I love your job, fantastic photography.

you are right @lenatramper , thank you .. this is very useful for me ..

Hi @lenatramper...your picture with bicycle is so sweetie

focus my eyesight again with the bike, beautiful and sweet, the natural scenery into the decor where you go, friend,☺️

you are so beautiful dear, have a nice day and can make your heart happy, I want to be like you, I hope hopefully my dream soon reached, thanks for the photography you share affection.

I heard the news about Japan and was really shocked. I have plans to visit Italy at the end of this year and already excited :)
Lovely photos!

these photos are absolutely stunning.. 😦
kinda makes me wanna start traveling lol

So beautiful.. Amazing post.. Exelent..!

You are so beautiful women.. I miss you..!

Wieder mal tolle Bilder aus einem schönen Fleckchen unserer Welt und ein süßes Fahrad hast du da ;)

rowing a bike if I think it is more important for our body to sweat it including exercise while rowing bikes can see the beautiful landscape @lenatramper

Wow, really, all the pictures are so beautiful, when you see the pictures of nature, the mind gets mixed. Your post was lost in nature. I like my sister @lenatramper

awesome photograpy and awesome you mam....

Have a good day always,love you..!Hi @lenatramper....

Yes, it is nice to take time to relax.

Beautiful natural ambience with diverse colors of flowers accompanied, really amazing place.
I want to be there when the problems are piling up in my head, and relieve stress ...
Thanks for this . My dear @lenatramper

You are very pretty

When I saw these pictures I remembered the Italian song... Una noche en Napole...

it's amazing .. i'm so glad to see it :)

Ein richtig guter Beitrag. 👍Hi @lenatramper