Hey guys! The first stop during my stay in Italy is Bolzano. Bolzano is also the provincial capital of South Tyrol in "Bella Italia"! Bolzano has two different facets, as the city is characterized both by Northern European and Mediterranean influences. Both impressions flow into each other perfectly and give a nice city atmosphere. For many centuries Bolzano was also called an important trade center between Italy and Germany. On the streets I noticed signs with German and Italian inscriptions and I asked myself: "How did it happen that a region with German-speaking population belongs to Italy?". South Tyrol today belongs to Italy, we know that. However, if we begin to research in the past (year 1918) we get to know that until the end of the First World War "South Tyrol" and "Trentino " belonged to the county of Tyrol and thus for over 550 years a part of the Habsburg Empire. In 1939 Hitler and Mussolini concluded an agreement and the South Tyroleans were offered to relocate to the "German Reich". If people wanted to stay in Italy then they had to give up the German mother tongue and its culture. After World War II, some hoped for the reunification of Tyrol, but it never happened and South Tyrol remained part of Italy. As always, history is quite complicated and much more extensive than my description.
I was making a walk in Bolzano to enjoy the city atmosphere and to collect some impressions...
Streets of Bolzano
Church of Bolzano
Narrow Streets of Bolzano
Many colorful flowers in the city
Fountain without water, but with some frogs :)
Many people in Italy use mopeds as a means of transport
Funny bag? :)
I would like to call this picture: "Green Shoes - Green Shirt"
All signs in Bolzano were in German and Italien language
Flowers and Statue
Spring and winter is my favorite season
Playground and Statuary
Wish you all a good night - See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3
deutsch / same post in German
Hallo Ihr Lieben! Der erste Stop während meinem Aufenthalt in Italien ist Bozen. Bozen ist auch gleichzeitig die Landeshauptstadt in Südtirol in „Bella Italia“! Bozen hat zwei unterschiedliche Facetten, denn die Stadt ist sowohl nordeuropäisch, als auch mediterran geprägt. Beide Prägungen fliessen ineinander perfekt über und ergeben eine schöne Stadtatmosphäre. Viele Jahrhunderte bezeichnete man Bozen auch als ein wichtiges Handelszentrum zwischen Italien und Deutschland. Auf den Strassen sind mir Schilder mit deutscher und italienischer Aufschrift aufgefallen und ich fragte mich: „Wie es eigentlich dazu gekommen ist, dass eine Region mit deutschsprachiger Bevölkerung zu Italien gehört?“. Das Südtirol heute zu Italien gehört wissen wir alle. Jedoch forscht man ein wenig tiefer in der Vergangenheit nach (Jahr 1918) erfährt man, dass bis zum Ende des ersten Weltkrieges Südtirol und das Trentino zur Grafschaft Tirol gehörten und somit seit über 550 Jahres ein Teil vom Habsburgerreich war. 1939 hat Hitler und Mussolini ein Abkommen abgeschlossen und den Südtirolern wurde angeboten sich in das „Deutsche Reich“ umzusiedeln. Wer in Italien bleiben wollte musste die deutsche Muttersprache und deren Kultur aufgeben. Nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg hofften einige auf die Wiedervereinigung Tirols, diese hatte es aber nie gegeben und Südtirol ist ein Teil von Italien geblieben. Wie immer ist Geschichte ziemlich kompliziert und auch viel Umfangreicher als meine Beschreibung, jedoch kann man sich die eine oder Frage dadurch beantworten.
Ich spazierte ein wenig in Bozen und sammelte so einige Eindrücke, die ich gerne teilen möchte …
Strassen in Bozen
Kirche in Bozen
Enge Strassen in Bozen
Viele bunte Blumen mitten in der Stadt
Brunnen ohne Wasser, jedoch mit einigen Fröschen :)
Viele Menschen in Italien benutzen das Moped als Transportmittel
Lustige Tasche? :)
Ich würde das Bild gerne benennen: "Grüne Schuhe - Grünes Shirt"
Alle Schilder in Bozen waren Bilingual - Deutsch und Italienisch-
Blumen und Statue
Frühling und Winter sind meine Lieblinge <3
Spielplatz und Statuen
Wünsche euch allen eine Gute Nacht - Bis Bald und nen fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3
Wow amazing enjoy my dear @lenatramper
beautiful travel girl @lenatramper . love you sister.
Beautiful wonderful flowers. Great job Lena : )
italy is a wonderfull city in the world.this high building,flower,man every pictures really very excellent everything best because always selecting nice place for good trip.have a nice moment.. my dear friend @lenatramper i hope that,you enjoy your day of beautifull place..very well done.i think that,a beautifull women may a perfect awesome place to doing select..thank you..
probably after the war, that's when it changed the area of elder brother. now the city is very beautiful because there are flower gardens. I like posting sister.
very beautiful city and flower garden looks all pretty @lenatramper dear
Apakabar cantik? Saya mengikuti anda @lenatramper
I totally respect it that those signs are in both languages while actually Bolzano is now located in Italy! Do the inhabitants of Bolzano also speaks German or do the children have to learn it on schools? I wonder :)
(Thanks for your upvotes to me, I do the same for you!)
really awesome city of balzano. is the city one of germany province? your travelling adventure is always delighted thousands eyes. congratulations to you miss Lena. thanks for you all out article.
Great training.
I appreciate your life..
Oh nein ich könnt gar nicht mithalten. In 2 Wochen geh ich mal für 3 Tage nach Malta.. und danach nach USA aber soviel wie du schaff ich nich.
A fun trip friend, all the pictures very beautiful
A fun trip friend, good luck always
Wow great Magnificent and historic Streets of Bolzano, looks so beautiful, I love your post so much. Thanks for sharing, but looks so beautiful.😊 I want To Visit there and Italy my Favorite Country 😊
very beautiful city and photography very cool friends
My next trip. I will pick it up in my bucketlist
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Well maintained city, playground and statuses are all classic..
the place is so amazing, hopefully your journey is fun, i want to be like you to italy, semoha you get some amazing success dear ya, you day by day more beautiful😊😍😍😍
Photography beautiful Bolzano and excellent :)
Thanks you @lenatramper
I fell in love with your fascinating sight
Thanks Dear @lenatramper
Beautiful scenery of beautiful results. photo the natural beauty that has brought you to get a beautiful dream every night.You are a very lucky person, because you have seen what I can not see in my life.I have never seen this scene it's amazing.
your post is always very interesting. I really like to see it!!
very very impressive,
thank you for sharing history in italy, happy holiday, and happy fun.
I wait for your news and your next experience.
regards @longberry.
A journey of beauty.
My friend I like your journey, Pictures are very good.
I've also subscribed you on YouTube.
I like your journey video as below and saved in my cell.
In this video you are learning how to drive.
My beautiful friend I am feeling that your friend is lucky because he is with you.
Look me I'm waiting for you as below:
Take Care my friend.
Bless you.
hey pretty girl.
long had not met. Do you still remember me
how are you with?
Nice to meet you. @ismailrafael
Ich liebe es, deine Reise zu beobachten. Ich hoffe, es gibt eine Chance, mit Ihnen zu reisen @lenatramper .. erfolgreich und gesund immer ja schön
That was some interesting history. Thank you.
I wish can walked with you there :)
hello @lenatramper you really fascinate everyone who see you sincerely admire your beauty, and the scenery you dedicate to us steemit users is very beautiful, the view is very remarkable.
I just found out that you are a woman who likes challenges and tribal adventures.
more success @lenatramper I like your post
hello @lenatramper you really fascinate everyone who see you sincerely admire your beauty, and the scenery you dedicate to us steemit users is very beautiful, the view is very remarkable.
I just found out that you are a woman who likes challenges and tribal adventures.
more success @lenatramper I like your post
Good work @lenatramper, i love b&, Wphotography
Nice to meet you. I am a friend from today. I wish you all the best and healthy. Your friend lucky7777
Thanks you for sharing this Travelling moments
@lenatramper hopefully later you will travel to southeast asia
hi @lenatramper. I am very happy to see the corner of the city you are posting. and there are very beautiful flowers. I hope you are healthy and fun.
Beautiful view of my friend
Awesome! The real a travel blogger...
Fhotos nice friend
The streets of Bolzano look really cool and colourful. Sometimes traffic with all mopeds can be really crazy!
a very enjoyable trip, hopefully survived to the destination
great post ///
Wonderful @lenatramper
Lovely photos!
I like this atmospheric narrow streets and bright red poppys!
I am fascinated by seeing your photography