Closed nations, riots, escapes, panics: It was not the epidemic that destroyed Italy

in #italy5 years ago

"Out of control" Italy
The last time I saw more than 100 new deaths, it was Hubei a month ago. We all thought that tragedy would not happen again, at least not for a short time.

But Italy tells us the facts that the nightmare repeats itself and it won't take a week.

In less than 24 hours, the number of confirmed cases in Italy surged to 9,172, surpassing South Korea and becoming the second largest in the world.

You know, Italy has about 60 million people. What is the concept? When this ratio is converted, it is equivalent to 200,000 diagnoses in China.

The outbreak is fierce, with Italy's highest case fatality rate among confirmed cases.

The numbers are no longer tragic. Italy had no choice but to start "self-help".

On March 8th, city closure orders were issued in 14 of the worst affected areas.

After 48 hours, Italy simply "closed the country".

The football match held the day before the "Closed Country" was also the 1000th match of Ronaldo's personal career, but the audience was empty.


Cristiano Ronaldo gave a high-five as he entered, as if the enthusiastic fans were still welcoming him.

Such an action has never happened to Italy after World War II.

No wonder many people say that we are witnessing history.

World Health Organization Director-General Tan Desai previously tweeted:

In order to slow down the spread of neocoronavirus pneumonia, to protect Italy and the world, the Italian government and people have taken bold and courageous steps.

They are making real sacrifices.


However, even if Italy made a sincere sacrifice and copied China's operation, it was still under the attack of the epidemic and couldn't resist it.

The Feng Guoling was leaked by the media in advance, and the panic continued to ferment, and a large number of ordinary people fled from Milan overnight and scattered.


Panic and restlessness were rooted in their hearts. They once felt like "refugees."
They fled from the affected area and are likely to be potential carriers of the virus.

If they can't be checked and registered for the trip after arriving at their destination, then the consequences can refer to Japan's Diamond Princess.

Simply unthinkable.

In order to cut off the spread of new crown pneumonia in prisons, the visit to Italy was banned on the 8th.

It was kind, but people inside and outside the prison stopped doing it. They felt that "freedom" was restricted.

Riots have occurred in prisons in 10 cities. As of press time, 7 people have died and 20 have escaped.


On the one hand, there is riot, and ordinary life cannot be guaranteed.

As early as the end of last month, many supermarkets in northern Italy were empty.

Facing this situation, the Italian residents were very straightforward: "Neither was so panic during World War II."

Although before and after the national order, the Prime Minister stated that daily necessities would be guaranteed, there were still a large number of residents lining up to stock up at night.

At the moment of the epidemic, how to maintain a basic and decent life is the plight of ordinary people and also the plight of a country.

Most terribly, their proud medical system couldn't hold it.

According to Italian health authorities, 10% of medical staff in Lombardy, the worst-affected area, have been infected and staffing is tight.


Medical resources are also facing unprecedented tests.

Italian doctors urge the public to avoid going out as much as possible, and only one person is required when shopping for food, for a simple and rude reason: there is no extra ventilator.

The ventilator is just one corner of the huge medical resources, and more gaps are being exposed.


The Italian Army Chief of Staff can only be quarantined at the home after the infection; the mayor is also quarantined at home after the diagnosis; many officials choose to quarantine at home after the infection. Is the hospital's WIFI signal not good and can't work remotely, or the hospital cafeteria's meal is not fragrant?

There is only one explanation, that is, beds, which is really not enough.

Uncertain potential carriers are spread all over the country, normal life cannot be guaranteed, the medical system is being penetrated, and a three-pronged approach has made Italy "out of control" completely.

But was Italy really overwhelmed by the epidemic?

It was not the epidemic that "captured" Italy

Beginning on January 30, Italy strictly guarded against death and once became a model of European epidemic resistance.

I was happy for less than a month. On February 21, the first indigenous case occurred in Italy. After just 3 days, the numbers started to take off quickly.

On March 6, more than 3,000 cases were confirmed; after 48 hours, they doubled.

Behind the explosion, there is a truth that cannot be hidden.

The World Health Organization's Elwald has said that China's approach to epidemic resistance can be replicated, but it takes speed, funding, imagination and political courage.

Unfortunately, Italian copy assignments only cover superficial articles.

Take Fengcheng, for example. Fengcheng is only the first step in isolation, and cutting off the epidemic is effective isolation.

Subsequent community investigations, restrictions on going out, and wearing masks can make the isolation truly effective.

Let's look at the measures taken after Italy's closure.

Entertainment venues such as bars still open during the day, but they must be closed at night. What's the use?

The distance between people in churches and other areas has reached 1 meter. Will anyone take a ruler to measure it?

If you have work or study needs, you can issue a pass. Isn't that free travel?

This blockade, compared with our Wuhan, can hardly be called a low match.

During the outbreak, Milan Fashion Week was business as usual, although a series of pneumonia cases, including two deaths, occurred near the northern venue.


"The fashion show is going on peacefully, without panic, and we want to keep it that way," said the Italian National Fashion Association President Card.

The words that do not hurt or itch are full of arrogance.

As a result, two members of the Korean entertainment industry were infected.

Nga Nguyen, the daughter of the King of Steel in Vietnam, took a trip to Europe after attending the Milan Fashion Week, and was diagnosed.


When the Italian MP was satirized wearing a mask to join the parliament, he yelled: you are crazy.

Then he took off his mask, "Okay, I take off my mask and tell you, I have been to three epidemic areas. Do you think I should wear a mask now or is it so good?

"If you were smart, you would have put on a mask already!"

This sentence did not sound the tight heartstrings of any one's heart.

The above measures are not attentive, and the people below naturally do not cooperate.

After the city was closed, a large number of people gathered to drink afternoon tea. "It's impossible to come out in such a good weather."


Seeing this, you may suddenly realize why Italy was the first to "crash".

Even more frightening is that, like dominoes, Italy fell as the first card in Europe.

France followed closely and became the hardest hit area in Europe.

President Macron went to visit frontline medical staff, but he did not wear a mask. No wonder the people shouted directly: only live once to enjoy.

Masks are rarely worn on British subways.

In some documentaries, we can intuitively see why foreigners do not wear masks.

Some say that the disease only affects the elderly. I am young and strong and will not be infected. Some people say that this is the flu.

I really want to persuade them to wake up, not because of the low mortality from this disease.

It is China's national strength that has kept the fatality rate at about 2%.

The Chinese people's outstanding performance in prevention and control has given the world a false sense of security.

But they didn't pay much attention and didn't cooperate.

After experiencing the Xintiandi incident in South Korea, a cluster epidemic has emerged today. Dozens of states in the United States have entered a state of emergency; the U.S. stock market has plummeted, and after 2008 it reappeared as a "fuse" with a limit of 15 minutes.

However, the U.S. Vice President still publicly stated that people do not need to wear masks, and the infection rate is very low.

According to the forecast results of various countries, the numbers alone are alarming.

South Korea says that at worst, 40% of people will be infected;


In the UK, it is expected that 80% of the worst will be infected and 500,000 will die. It has even "discarded itself" and abandoned the construction of a hospital.

If the epidemic continues to escalate, change Hyde Park into a morgue ...


What you think is a large flu is actually a medium cholera.

In the past month, the World Health Organization has repeatedly called on all countries in the world to seize the "not much left" opportunity to curb the epidemic.

But it is clear that most countries have not listened.

Two months after watching the fire across the coast, Japan, South Korea, and Europe and the United States also ushered in a dark moment.

In order not to be the next Italy, Germany and Switzerland "beat" because of masks.

German customs detained a truck on the German-Swedish border with 240,000 masks intended for Switzerland.

At present the matter has risen to the diplomatic level, one side refused to give a mask, and the other side strongly protested.


Really confirmed that sentence: Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is.

It's time to face this problem

Some people say that peace is really the best gift of our time.

A single epidemic has exposed various problems in every society. When basic life cannot be guaranteed, civilization, quality, and freedom are like an air tower.

Those who hold higher free prices always forget that premise: life is precious.

The plague that swept Europe was only mentioned in the history textbook as a prelude to the Renaissance.

But in fact, its power has impressed every European.

In the port of Italy, a few mice came ashore. They died with the virus, but the virus lived on it.

People panicked and fled. Looking back across the millennium, is it similar to the people who fled today?

What the virus loves most is close contact. In a short time, it infected batch after batch.

25 million Europeans have died one after another, equivalent to one in every three people killed by plague.

The whole of Europe almost disappeared because of it.

Boccaccio described the tragic situation in the immortal masterpiece "The Ten Days Talk" and began to exclaim, "God is extremely cruel to humans!"

Later, people asked God to be useless and to explore hard, and found that effective isolation and cleanliness are the life-saving medicine.

Persevering, after several years, European talents blocked the plague in the Pandora's Box.

Thousands of years have passed, and do we have to pay such an expensive price for arrogance again?

It is foolishness to go through tragedy and make it repeat.

It is understandable not to copy Chinese assignments, after all, each country has different national conditions.

But the tragic nations that have watched Wuhan for a month, but have no plan ahead, this is where we feel deeply angry and sad.

In the face of disaster, no one has the honor of honor.

The rich and the poor are equal.

Fortunately, Italy now knows it later and wants to make up for it. A few days ago, there was also a remote video to discuss various prevention and control details with Chinese experts.

The book "Plague" ends when the epidemic is over and people happily gather to celebrate this hard-won victory.

But the author, Camus, was too short, and added a paragraph, and the metaphorical plague will make a comeback:
"Maybe it will wait until that day when the plague awakens the rats again and sends them in large numbers to a happy city to die, bringing disasters and lessons to people."

The reality is before us, and we realize that this is not a parable, but a naked prophecy.

Humans, if we do n’t learn a lesson from a disaster, we will always be taught.

It's time to let go of arrogance and face the problem.

In this epidemic, whoever puts down the "stance" first, whoever hears the truth first, whoever faces the truth first, can be saved.

The moment the pride is put down, the light will pierce the darkness in front of me.

Order "support" and hope that the world can let go of arrogance and overcome the epidemic.