
Nice remake! The acting is pretty spot on, and seeing as you didn't have a budget you've done a great job!
I use the canon 600d, it's great for budget film making.
I'm an aspiring film maker, so I have followed you :)

Cool, we're absolutely broke and every material is our own. So we've joined that with $0 :D Thank you :)

This is great, low budget or not, THIS IS GREAT! Made me laugh.. Just keep going! Much love and support!

Thanks man! We were laughing so much too, but the feeling of pleasure after job was done is priceless :)

Yeah, these kinds of moments are the best... Fu*k budget, ideas and the will are the key... Keep it up bro!

So what is in the box? :)

"Her pretty head"...

You did a good remake. Seven is a great movie, and that scene is horrible :D

It's nice to see you had a lot of fun doing this and it is no surprise you got a good grade.

I just have to correct you. It wasn't me who did a great remake, it was my team with me :P
Yup scene is horrible and disgusting but hard to remake. We did our best and put a lot of effort so the product is like that too :)

You know... You is translated TI as well as VI :D :D :D
The effort shows, it really does, your movie looks great!

You guys did awesome. That was such a daring choice of scene, and a really excellent remake. I am in awe. Amazing amazing stuff. Brilliant. Gosh :)

Thank you very much I appreaciate this a lot. I hope there will be more of that in the future :D

To to decki samo malo manje treme pred kamerama i vise osjecaja, zamislite da vas nitko ne gleda
zamislite da ste vi bas taj kojega glumite :) odlican remake

Ma rodo nismo glumci al smo dali sve od sebe. Stvar je bila u editiranju videa, postavljanju kamere i kadrovima ali da moze se i na tome malo poraditi. Hvala ti puno 💚

to je drugi par cipela onda nema veze :D nista rodo <3

Now I want to see the movie.

The movie is really awesome and iconic. Kind of hard to watch but that's characteristic of a thriller.



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How and where to vote you can find in the link below

Good luck @tonac

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Wow, this is some level of dedication!! You got well deserved reward for it here and I hope you will get rewarded for it manyfold in many different avenues. Thanks for excellent post @tonac ! Following you. And obviously- upvoted.

Thank you @jankasparec. I invested effort either in post and filmmaking so your comment is on point! Wish you luck too :)