Hi friends,
Today I propose you the photo contest for our furry little friends 🐕
PhotoPet 🐶
Competition theme, quite obvious…
- The competition is open to all photography lovers, amateur photographers and professionals too.
- Each participant have to create a post with 1 photo (only one) with subject: dogs and/or cats.
- In the post has to be included a brief photo description
- Upvote this post at 100%.
- Resteem this post.
- In your post use the tag #photopet
- Insert your photo and link of your post in the comments in this post.
- Vote for one or more photos in the comments of this post.
- Do not vote for your photo, it would be really un-elegant !.
- Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in exclusion from the competition.
- Deadline: Monday 19 march 2018, time: 23.59 UTC
WINNERS: users whose photos, in the comments of this post, will have obtained the highest number of votes.
In case of equal votes, the winners will be those who have posted their photos before the others in the comments of this post.
PRIZE: 100% of the Steem Dollars due to the author of this post, which will be divided in half between the two winners.
Ciao amici,
Oggi vi propongo il concorso fotografico per i nostri amici pelosetti 🐈
PhotoPet 😻
tema del concorso, piuttosto ovvio...
- Il concorso è aperto a tutti gli amanti della fotografia, fotoamatori e professionisti.
- Ogni partecipante dovra’ creare un post con 1 fotografia (una soltanto) con soggetto cani o gatti, anche insieme va bene.
- Nel post va inserita una breve descrizione della foto.
- Fare upvote al 100% di questo post.
- Fare il resteem di questo post.
- Nel vostro post usare il tag #photopet.
- Inserire la vostra foto e il link del vostro post nei commenti di questo post.
- Votate una o piu’ foto presente nei commenti di questo post.
- Non votate la vostra foto, sarebbe veramente poco elegante!.
- Il plagio non verra’ tollerato e comportera’ l’esclusione dal concorso.
- Ultimo giorno per partecipare al concorso: Lunedi 19 marzo 2018, ora : 23.59 UTC
VINCITORI : coloro le cui foto, nei commenti di questo post, avranno ottenuto il maggior numero di voti.
In caso di parita’ di voti i vincitori saranno coloro che avranno postato prima degli altri la loro foto nei commenti di questo post.
PREMIO: 100% degli Steem Dollars spettanti all’autore di questo post, che verranno divisi a meta’ tra i due vincitori.
Hi friends, this is my entry!! Hope you like these two ADORABLE cats!!! Thank you for your support :)
Thanks @herstory for your nice shoot!
You're very welcome!!! :)
Grazie! Sei la prima.
I miei 2 Amori
Ecco il mio post!

Bella la storia e anche la gattina🤗
grazie :3 non si vede da questa foto ma sta rapidamente diventando una gattONA :D
Very cute, thanks for your entry @syahri
You're welcome @steemotion ❤❤❤ ☺☺☺
Steemit Link
Hello! This is my dog Turrito!
If you want to know more about Turrito, enter my post about him.
ahahahha, wonderful!
e qui il link https://steemit.com/ita/@gruntu/photopet-photo-contest-dogs-and-cats-photopet-concorso-fotografico-cani-e-gatti-di-steemotion
Che bel musetto
Bello lui!
one of my post and thank you for the invitation.Thank you @steemotion for commenting in
This is my entry for the contest:
Title: Photopet - The Handsome Hunter Dog: Roger
The link to the post: https://steemit.com/photopet/@timlee/photopet-the-handsome-hunter-dog-roger
Please do come and read of the introduction of Roger and support me in get some treat for him.
Nice shoot , thanks
La mia photo!
I have dachshunds too! They are the best!
è bellissimo!
Nice shot, please insert your post link
Participando desde Venezuela!!
He looks so regal!
Lovely dog
Beautiful dog and nice shot, thanks
Hi, thanks for your entry. Could you please insert the link?
thanks for all <3
My beautiful Duke
Hi Duke, I like your face!
and your hat too
Thanks you very much..
thank you I am a tenderness :)
Thanks for making this contest to expose our beautiful pets to the rest of a Steemit.

This cat is so beautiful. This just motivated me to write post on cat health. Keep your cat save and beautiful we love you....pet clinic love it...@afeezee
Thanks Doc. Will follow for info and advice. I have 10 house cats that I look after. :-)
The fur is almost similar to my cat
Thanks for your entry @manorvillemike
Hi, this is my entry, thank you!
Thanks for your entry 🤗
Thanks for your entry 🤗
Ecco il mio Post! Spero vi piaccia!

Ahahaha, sul notebook! Fantastico!
Eh, già! Vuole la sua scatoletta! AhAhah!
Ciao, grazie della partecipazione
Grazie a te per l'idea!
Il mio post :)
ma ha un musino dolcissimo! E' stupenda :)
Grazie :)
@steemotion am not participating in the contest. I just want to thank you for giving the avenue for people to post about pet. When i joined steemit last year ending as a veterinarian, who invited said i don't think there is an avenue for pets here on steemit what people are only interested in is bitcoin, crypto trading.... I never relented i told am going to stay on my lane. Thanks for doing a contest like this for people to show their pets to the world. Keep saving people's life through pets @afeezee
Thanks @afeezee. I would invite you to join my next contest. Bye
Alright thank u so much i will be glad....
Questo è il mio post
Grazie @nfelix92
He is Janpol..
so sweetie, why so sad?Give me a smile!
That face is dream :)
Thanks @cristian04
Ecco il mio post di partecipazione! Gran bel contest! ;)

È quel che si dice "una buona forchetta" mi pare
Dici bene!😂😉
grazie @acquarius30
This is my baby ! She is a Pointer mixed with an Alaskan husky that is currently 1 year old. This photo marks the day or so after we brought her home !! She is a handful and a half but we love all her quirks ! This dog is not afraid to be vocal until she gets what she wants ! Meet my baby Zee ❤️
thanks @haraslauxes and thanks Zee
Thanks for your contest :)

This is my cat:
😁 thanks for your entry
Ma dici a me?

Non ti avevo ancora ringraziato, scusami. Lo trovo adorabile il tuo Frisillo, ne avevo uno simile e a lui piacevano anche le tende, faceva Tarzan
uhhhh è uguale alla mia zelda!
Thanks for your entry.
My entry for the contest! My Bengalmese Nikko's baby pic!
@steemotion. Just making sure you see my entry as I have not had confirmation. Ty.
It's a lovely little cat
Thanks @luanne. I appreciate your entry. 😁
Io partecipo di sicuro!! =)
Grazie @noemilunastorta! Buona fortuna
This post was upvoted and resteemed by @okankarol Thank you for using @okankarol
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This post was upvoted and resteemed by @resteemr! Thank you for using @resteemr.
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Thanks carolynseymour, but I can't see link and photo here 🙂. Please correct the comment
What do you think about my lovely standard poodle?
I love his/her(?) hairstyle perm! 😁. Thanks for your entry @carolynseymour