Complex number

in #ita4 months ago

export class ComplexNumber {

r : number;

i : number;

constructor(real: number, imaginary: number) {

this.r = real;

this.i = imaginary;


public get real(): number {

return this.r;


public get imag(): number {

return this.i;


public add(other: ComplexNumber): ComplexNumber {

return new ComplexNumber((this.r+other.r),(this.i+other.i));


public sub(other: ComplexNumber): ComplexNumber {

return new ComplexNumber((this.r-other.r),(this.i-other.i));


public mul(other: ComplexNumber): ComplexNumber {

return new ComplexNumber((this.r\*other.r-this.i\*other.i),(this.i\*other.r+this.r\*other.i));


public div(other: ComplexNumber): ComplexNumber {

 return new ComplexNumber((this.r\*other.r+this.i\*other.i)/(other.r\*other.r+other.i\*other.i),(this.i\*other.r-this.r\*other.i)/(other.r\*other.r+other.i\*other.i));


public get abs(): number {

   return Math.sqrt(this.i\*this.i+this.r\*this.r);


public get conj(): ComplexNumber {

 return new ComplexNumber(this.real, this.imag ? this.imag \* (-1) : 0);


public get exp(): ComplexNumber {

return new ComplexNumber(Math.exp(this.r)\*Math.cos(this.i), Math.exp(this.r)\*Math.sin(this.i));




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