12 - Dog Facts you may not have known
Did you know a typical dog has 42 permanent teeth (Humans have 32)
Did you know that a dogs nose is often "wet" that is to help it smell things better.
Did you know that dogs sense of taste is not as good as its sense of smell, humans have 5 time as many taste buds than dogs.
Did you know that Queen Elizabeth II owned more than 30 corgis since she became Queen in 1952.
Did you know that it has never been recorded that a dog has lived longer than 30 years of age.
Did you know that puppies play with each other twice as much as older dogs (I think we should have all have known that already)
Did you know that there are an estimated 400 million dogs worldwide.
Did you know that dogs are the only animals in the animal kingdom that can read the emotions on your face
Did you know in the United States, approx one million dogs are primary beneficiaries of their owner’s will.
Did you know that the fastest dog in the world is a greyhound, having speeds up to 45mph
Did you know that Henry the 8th wife "Anne Boleyn" had two dogs, a lap dog called Purkoy & a Greyhound called Urian.
Did you know that Henry the 8th favourite pets were his dogs, Beagles, Spaniels & Greyhounds.
More to follow, tell me what you think.