Hello guys,
Today I want to introduce you tower which has different stories.
A tower in middle of Marmara sea
This tower is in Istanbul/ Üsküdar
This tower is constructed by Rome empire. It is only architectural construction in Üsküdar since Rome empire.
So what is the speciality of this tower? You may ask
Here is the story of it;
Once upon a time, there was two lovers. Girl was living in tower. And she meets with a boy. But there was problems about their meeting because the girl was a nun. She wasn't allowed to have relations with boys. But both of them loved each other at first view. So they were meeting secretly. The boy was swimming towards the tower at nights. One day, while they wereleaving each other after a meeting, the boy is drown. And their love got over as normal.
Since that time, many people likes this bexause it symbolizes the love.
But this is only one of the many stories about the tower.
People go there by boats as you see one of them. I really recommend you to visit this place if you have chance.
Hope to enjoy it