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RE: Why is Israel so important?

in #israel3 months ago (edited)

Your comment falls into the "obvious anti-semitism" category.

It is a favourite tactic of anti-semites to try to expunge the historic sins of the Nazis by making false accusations against Jews of exactly the behaviour they themselves are engaging in. South Africa and Turkey, both openly pursuing genocidal policies against Whites and Kurds are the greatest exemplars of this.

Your comment is a classic anti-semitic trope. Downvoted.

Also, you can't even spell. You have no excuse for this as Halifax was English speaking last time I checked.


So all the Jewish people in the following article in the link below are anti semites? If you wish to classify me, which has nothing to do with the genocide that the ICC is accusing Isreal of committing , then classify me as an Anti-Zionist. The classic anti semite rebuttal is no longer cutting it any more.

Hive is filled with Anti semites. It’s disgusting.