secret of dawn prayer (arms of islam)


A Jewish businessman said "we are afraid of the Muslims if they have performed the morning prayers such as performing the Friday prayers."
Behind the implementation of two rak'ahs on the brink of dawn, is a wonderful secret. When traced, many problems stem from the implementation of the dawn prayers that at least. That is why the companions of the Prophet did their best not to lose that golden time. Once, one day they were late at dawn prayers in conquering the tastar fortress. This "tragedy" makes friends like Anas bin Malik always cry when he remembers ...
Interestingly, the dawn was also a time of transition from the era of ignorance to the era of monotheism. The Ad, Thamud, and other rebellious people were wiped out in the dawn that marked the end of the dominance of ignorance and the emergence of the light of monotheism.

Seorang pengusaha Yahudi berkata "kami takut kepada umat Islam jika mereka telah melaksanakan shalat subuh seperti melaksanakan shalat Jum'at."
Di balik pelaksanaan dua rakaat di ambang fajar, tersimpan rahasia yang menakjubkan. Bila dirunut, banyak permasalahan bersumber dari pelaksanaan shalat subuh yang di sepelekan. Itulah sebabnya, para sahabat nabi berusaha sekuat tenaga agar tidak kehilangan waktu emas itu. Pernah, suatu ketika mereka terlambat shalat subuh dalam menaklukkan benteng tastar. "Tragedi" ini membuat sahabat semisal Anas bin Malik selalu menangis bila mengenangnya...
Yang menarik, subuh ternyata juga menjadi waktu peralihan dari era jahiliyah menuju era tauhid. Kaum Ad, Tsamud, dan kaum pendurhaka lainnya, dilibas petaka pada waktu subuh yang menandai berakhirnya dominasi jahiliyah dan muncul cahaya tauhid..