Fasting and Feasting
Today is the first day of Ramadan, a lunar month during which muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.
Fasting for muslims is not eating or drinking at all, a little different for other religions.
After the Ramadan fast, muslims break it with a holiday called the small feast, this holiday lasts
From one to four days depending on different countries.
I would like to say Happy Ramadan to our fellow muslims, enjoy your holidays.
Random fact: Because the building is so tall those muslims that live in the Burj Khalifa in Dubai have different times at which they finish their fasting .
Those people who live on the 80th floor and above should fast for a extra 2 minutes, while the people on the 150th floor and above should wait 3 minutes before eating and drinking.
That is true, you must observe the sun disappear behind the horizon, but it's not hard to take the elevator to the lobby ;)
nonetheless this sounds funny :)
Happy Ramadan!
Happy Ramadan!
for now Happy Eid Mubarak