Transparency in action: ISIS is a CIA front that's now invading the Philippines

in #isis7 years ago (edited)

So, ISIS is giant terrorist group that we all need to live in fear of. They commit atrocities. They are made of up big, mean, scary, dark-skinned, Muslim men. We have to stop them or they will behead us, sell us as slaves, and fuck all of our goats.

The problem though is that we know all of that stuff because the MSM told us so. And you know you can't trust them right?!?

What the fuck is ISIS, a Middle Eastern Muslim Terrorist group doing in the Philippines?

It's a good question right? You would think they'd be off enslaving locals or something, but instead they decided to take a 5,000 mile hop, skip, and a jump to the Philippines to fuck up an entirely different country.

It seems to have started with this guy Duterte

He got himself elected. He may or may not have supposed to be put in place there, but he did. I tend to think he's anti-establishment as he's been doing a few key things. He's killed drug deals and stopped Afghan heroin from going into Asia through the Philippines. He's stopped buying weapons from the USA. In one of the the greatest presidential press conferences of all time he called Obama a "Son of a whore."

Then he tacks on that's he's not against the US, but he's decided to shift from a US centric foreign policy to working more with Russia and China.

That's when ISIS comes along and starts blowing shit up

Here's an article from yesterday. Once he stopped buying guns and publicly switched allegiance wouldn't you know it, but a battalion of evil Middle Eastern terrorists start blowing up the Philippines.

RT article-

So, that's pretty direct as far as I can tell

Go against the US and ISIS shows up at your door even if it's 5000 miles away from their base of operations. If you haven't figured it out yet the USG is a war machine, a corporation masquerading as a government, and filled with violent blackmailed pedos.

It's not just about oil and trade. It's about the world reserve currency

WTF is that? Well, post WWII the world came to an arrangement about how money would be created and lines drawn etc. it's part of the Brenton Woods stuff. One of the things in there is that the USD became the world reserve currency. You can walk into any country in the world and USD will be accepted for trade. For large deals you have to buy shit in USD. So, China technically has to sell yuan, buy USD, and then purchase oil with USD.

Iraq, Iran, Syria, and a host of other countries we've invaded dropped or were dropping the USD. Yes, the oil is important because we have a petro dollar, meaning that all the money is completely fiat except for the oil it's exclusively traded in and the warships that protect it. The real deal though is that the FED can now print paper and the world has to accept it as currency. Back in the financial crisis of 2012 they literally printed in excess of $20 TRILLION DOLLARS. Overnight they fucking popped out of no where more than the US GDP. It's fuckin' unreal!

As long as you use Federal Reserve notes you're part of the problem!

A main thing that brought me into Crypto was the day that I realized that people using a currency are what give it value, and by using the USD I was giving value to a currency that's used to cause amazing amounts of harm globally. I don't want that. So, I started this blog and will continue to use steem for more things as I collect more of it. That's because it comes without guilt that I'm supporting the military industrial complex with my commerce. I want peace, abundance, and liberty. The FED supports none of those.

You can find me lurking on steemspeak, a discord channel that many steemers use to text and talk to each other-
I can also be found on steemchat as @aggroed. If you have a post to share give me a good sentence or two of why you think I’ll like it.


The Maute group are Filipino Muslims who pledged alliance to the ISIS...they caused the siege last tuesday. It is still ongoing but under control by the Military.
The issue now is on who ordered them to do it..focus is on one of the Aquino's who is a Senator, he was there in Marawi City a few days before meeting an undisclosed group. Ninoy Aquino was his grandfather who was a known founder of CPP-NPA during Marcos regime.

@aggroed what an amazing article love the style of informal but informational. I mean leave my goats alone already. I have never believed that ISIS is doing as much damage as the main stream media says they are. It would be cool if you coukd take the fake screen off just for a second to see what us real. I bet its down to about 10% real factual news.
Thanks for the read my friend

Good post. It is not just a tangled web. It is like an old broken down house with cobwebs and dust everywhere....

Sadly, the house isn't broken. It's perfectly designed this way. it just happens to suck for 99% of us.

99.99% of us might be more accurate. :)

perfectly designed and built on the foundation of manipulating people's value and belief systems. If the foundation falters...

In many ways we're at a tipping point, because the more they try to adjust the faltering foundation the more the house begins to fall. No adjustments or rebuilding can really be made from any manipulative agenda without further unveiling the actual agenda and the horrors it includes.. God is genius.

Or I could say Evolution is genius.

In Gods will everything will be ok.

interesting. thanks for the info

You have showed A lot of things that the world ignored to see. Pretty good insights in the conspiracy.
The only thing That arouse my doubts is that one after the other, there is always a terrorist group that comes out of nowhere when the previous group falls. Or a new country which needs to be controlled.
Now how much do we hear about alqaeda? The day ISIS will be down, some other group will rise and It would be the sole duty of USA to bring it down. Now that sounds suspicious.

Good post, sharp and to the point, bravo!

Thanks. I appreciate your feedback!

I think your analyze is spot on!

interesting, and so close to australia

I wonder what happened to Snowden

ISIS has a strange habit of doing things to destabilize countries the US would like to be involved in. Upvoted and following