in #irma8 years ago

DJIUX2MW4AE_1-E-1-1.jpgHurricane is coming to FL no matter what as we all can see. Not so sure how bad it will be but I'm pretty sure we will get something. We live on the west side in Sarasota area. Hoping for the best and praying for it to shift more east. Irma did enough damage to all the other islands now it needs to go away.

I went to the store yesterday to do some grocery shopping and half the store was empty. Canned foods, bread, water is all gone. It was crazy, people are yelling fighting over food. No gas on most of the gas stations, and if they do get gas its gone in few minutes. irmanewirma.jpg

People ask me if I'm worried. Of course i am. I have 4 kids and the youngest is almost 5 months. I have been telling hubby to evacuate but he's been refusing. I have no family here so it makes it so much harder for me. So for now we are staying here and praying we don't get any crazy damage. I will update later on on what happened here. In the meanwhile please keep Florida in your prayers. And all the people where Irma did so much damage already. I can't believe what they are all going through.


The laws of nature speak to us in various way I hope that you and yours are safe.

To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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