Thought I would share these amazing changes in her iris over 9 months! See for yourself, her true blue colour emerging there are only 2 true eye colours in humans, brown & blue, all other variations -green, grey, dark blue, dark brown, hazel, etc., are reflected layers of toxicity in the body which clear out overtime when adopting a hydrating / cleansing / astringent natural diet...we also see her fibres straightening out which is huge!
Here’s what she wrote about her journey so far:
“I’ve been eating mostly fruits with some vegetables occasionally, for almost 9 months ....I took eye photos in the beginning of November last year..this is just the right eye ...I think I see some change in the straightness of the fibers, and some sulfur removal ... which is pretty cool 😎 gonna order a steam sauna here soon to help the skin out 😷
the first photo is older/slightly blurry/seems to be taken in a yellowish light compared to the new one, but I think I still see change 😬 it’s encouraging ...I’ll take the future eye picture just like I did today with the same flashlight so it’s easier to tell(had my husband’s help)
Also, intermittent dry fasting starting tonight from 5pm-9am ...already have a decent headache tonight 😷
Thought I’d share 😬 iridology is cool”.
I agree, Iridology is truly amazing, it’s non invasive & a way to take a look internally to see our health status...
I do Iridology readings if anyone’s up for it...
Healthy Self.....#Mariah 🍓 Heal Thy Self
This is true as for eye colors, as well as you can tell a healthier person by the whiteness of the whites of their eyes, especially after a fast the white seem to be of a purest white.
Thank you kindly
I agree! 🍇
Hey I want to thank you for all your previous comments many months ago that I never responded to but saw them lately as I was reviewing old writings of mine... I appreciate and never responded because I never checked back for comments ... I make a point of it now 🍓