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RE: Looks like Trump is gonna get his war...

in #iran6 years ago

Unfortunately for oil countries, they'll always be America's main focus. As long as oil is sold in dollars, the American economy can't really fail. Even if the US didn't produce anything at all, the demand for the dollar would be there because of oil (and anyone who threatens that will have a war at their hands).


You are repeating shitty RT propaganda. Disgusting.

I'm open to other suggestions as to why the US focus on oil nations. What are your thoughts?

I'm open to other suggestions as to why the US focus on oil nations. What are your thoughts?

US focus on nuclear nations.

Fair point, but the fact that trading oil exclusively in dollars is of major importance for the US economy still stands. Are nuclear weapons or selling oil in other currencies the cause of an invasion? It's up for debate and so we can't be certain which one's the propaganda; they could be both or neither for all we know (Obviously if you're from the US you're more likely to hear the nuclear arguement and if you're from the Middle East the same goes for the oil arguement).

The more you keep flagging me, the more STEEM is going to go down! LOL my BTC is going up way faster than your junk steem! Satashi is watching you! Lol how much money are you down today @berniesanders with all that precious STEEM?

Anything you make you are just loosing out the back end! Also I will still keep flagging everyone and anyone that gets in my way!
Screen Shot 2019-06-20 at 7.25.39 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-06-20 at 7.27.15 AM.png

To me STEEM is a SCAM! Ponzy! Sell for Bitcoin if you want your purchasing power to survive!!

That is why STEEM is bottom of CMC, everybody knows this!

Look at poor little @coininstant being trolled like the bitch he is by an automated bot. Jump monkey, jump!! Good boy.