Hi Steemians,
I'm in a Steemit kinda mood today, so my third post for the day already :)
September is almost there! Which means the release of the new IPhone 8!
Since my firts Iphone, which was an iphone 3G, I have been a true fan ever since. Always have been first in line (not really queueing the stores, but the online stores that is) to get the newest IPhone. I've always managed to sell my old IPhone for a very reasonable price, so when you look at it that way, a new one isn't really that expensive.
I have been reading up on what's being predicted so far, and it sounds very promising, as where the IPhone 7 plus i own now was a bit of a dissapointment... (besides the dual lense camera, nothing mindblowing).
But these rumours of a full workeable OLED screen, no physical homebutton, wireless charging (probably the same way as the apple watch, but still nice), ... have already convinced me to get it right away, i just can't help it :)
I still hope to get quite some money for my 7 plus though...
What are your thoughts on the new IPhone 8, will you buy one asap?
I know there are a lot of anti-iPhone people as well, but i guess once you go IPhone...
Photocredit https://www.macrumors.com/roundup/iphone-8/
Welcome to Steemit :)
I follow u, follow me back if u want lot of fun and amazing picture every day.
I really don't like that wide screen frame :(
It will take some getting used to but i think i'll like it!
Yep, we'll have to get used to. This is just my first impression on how this concept looks like.
How many apps do they stick in there that ya never use? I try to delete on mine but no dice.

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