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RE: SPK Network Funding Proposal

in #ipfs4 years ago

Wow! I think you all have your hands full for a while. Just listing everything you're doing, let alone implementing it all, is a feat in and of itself. Super excited for this to arrive. Will the HAF being worked on right now provide any of the tools you say are currently lacking on HIVE? Just curious.

Sounds like an amazing project. Can't wait to see it come to fruition.


This is what I was going to comment as well. I think HAF can greatly help various parts of the SPK system. Suggest listening to this for more details:

Yes, We are not 100% clear yet on what HAF will enable in terms of tools for SPK network web3 capabilites. So of course, if there is any way that we can leverage HAF in what we are doing we will of course do that

The distributed database and the ability for dapps to share their dapp data with one another are two functions that come to mind right away. Probably also can help with the indexing (as I understand, you can use HAF to build a database for yourself, it helps you with getting the blockchain data you need AND you can add any other data you need, like from other dapps or blockchains, and obviously you can index all of this however you want). I'm sure there's more. The devs can give a listen to @blocktrades going over some of what HAF will provide, the interview is at the link I posted above.

yes, for sure, im also sure that this is just the tip of the iceberg :)